Exemption Based on Disability
[EAS 42-712.44]
An individual, who has a disability that is expected to last at least 30 calendar days that significantly impairs his or her ability to be regularly employed or participate in welfare-to-work activities, is exempt from participation in WTW activities. This exemption is a time on aid exemption. To qualify for this exemption the individual shall:
- Provide verification from a licensed practitioner of:
- The disability,
- The expected duration of the disability, and
- The extent to which the disability impairs employment and/or participation in self-sufficiency activities; AND
- Is actively seek appropriate medical treatment.
Note: A disability exemption based upon postpartum recovery is only available if the client has complications with the delivery, i.e. a cesarean, etc. If the client experiences a normal delivery, the client must be given the appropriate “care of a child” exemption. A disability exemption based upon postpartum recovery is not available to a Cal-Learn pregnant or custodial teen parent.
If a client cannot participate the full 20/30/35 hours per week because of a disability, he/she is exempt. There are no partial exemptions.
Definition of Doctor/Health Care Professional
Per CDSS, a doctor is defined as a health care professional who is licensed by a state to diagnose/treat physical and mental impairments that can affect an individual's ability to work or participate in WTW activities. A licensed health care professional includes, but is not limited to:
- Doctors of medicine, osteopathy, chiropractic and
- Licensed/certified psychologists.
Note: A staff member for a doctor/health care professional who has access to the patient’s medical records may also complete the medical verification information.
A disability exemption may be verified by any of the following:
- An award letter or written notice from Social Security is acceptable verification for this exemption when the receipt of RSDI or SSI/SSP is based upon the disability of the individual, or
- An award letter or other written notice of the receipt of DIB or Worker’s Compensation are acceptable verification for the period covered by the benefit, or
- A statement from the treating physician of the delivery date, the postpartum complications, and the anticipated recovery date (not applicable for Cal-Learn teen parent(s), or
- A written statement from a doctor/health care professional or by a member of the staff who has access to the patient’s medical records. The medical statement must include all of the following:
- Identification of the disability,
- Onset date of the disability,
- The expected duration of the disability,
- The date of the next follow-up appointment or examination, if the disability is not considered permanent,
- The extent to which the disability impairs employment and/or participation in the self-sufficiency activities,
- The doctor’s name, address, and phone number, or
- A statement that the individual has a physical or mental condition which by itself or in conjunction with age, prevents the individual from participating in self-sufficiency activities, or
- A completed “Authorization to Release Medical Information” (CW 61).
Reminder: The individual must be actively seeking appropriate medical treatment to qualify for the disability exemption.
Note: The effective begin date of a disability is determined by the onset date of the condition as determined by a doctor or health care professional.
Disability Exemption Request
Requesting a disability exemption is a single process which can be done either verbally or in writing. The request can occur at application, on a Semi-Annual Report (SAR 7, Question #13), or as an informal written or verbal report to the Eligibility Worker (EW) or CalWORKs Employment Services (CWES) worker.
If the client... | Then the worker must... |
Informs the worker that a disability exists that impairs his/her ability to be regularly employed or participate in WTW activities, |
Note: If the request is for a retroactive exemption and there is a current sanction, the EW shall email the assigned CWES EC to notify.
Refer to: “Exemptions,” page 36-17 CWES Handbook for more information.
Reminder: A client may provide other verification of the disability as long as it meets the qualification for acceptable verification.
Refer to Verification for more information.
A pregnant or custodial teen parent who is disabled, unless disabled due to postpartum recovery, may be exempt from Cal-Learn. This determination is made by AFLP.
Refer this individual to the Cal-Learn program. Refer to Cal-Learn for an explanation of the Cal-Learn program.
The EW must use the following chart to determine when the disability conditions must be reviewed.
IF the disability... | AND... | THEN... |
Is considered permanent, | Is expected to last more than one year, | Review at the annual RD. |
Is not considered permanent, | The medical verification indicates an expected duration of the condition and a follow-up appointment is indicated (either in the past or future), |
Review when:
Is not considered permanent, | The medical verification indicates an expected duration of the condition but no follow-up appointment, |
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