Exemption Based on School Attendance
Age 16-18 in School Full-Time
A child 16, 17, or 18 years of age who is enrolled in grade 12 or below, or vocational or technical school on a full-time basis is exempt from the registration requirement (unless pregnant or a custodial teen parent). Full-time basis means that the person is currently enrolled in a full-time program, as defined by the school.
Note: Prior to Assembly Bill (AB) 2300, a child who is 16 or 17 years old or a custodial parent under 20 years old and who loses this exemption CANNOT requalify for this exemption by attending school as a required CWES activity. Effective January 1, 2023, this once-in-a-lifetime limit was removed by AB 2300. An individual who loses this exemption and is required to participate in WTW may again receive this exemption by resuming full-time school attendance, provided the individual otherwise qualifies.
A dependent child 16 or 17 years of age who has obtained a high school diploma or its equivalent, and is enrolled or planning to enroll in a post secondary educational, vocational, or technical school training program is exempt from WTW participation.
The teen is deemed to be planning to enroll if they or their parent (on their behalf) submits a written statement expressing their intent to enroll in such a program for the following term. Unless verification is provided by the recipient or obtained by the county, the exemption from participation will not continue beyond the beginning of the following term.
Any document verifying age plus any document from the school which verifies enrollment in a full-time program is used to document this exemption. This includes the form “School Enrollment Verification” (SC 441), letters, report cards, and notes to the student from the school.
This exemption does not apply to a pregnant or custodial teen parent. A 16 - 20 year old who is enrolled in school and is a pregnant or custodial teen parent, must cooperate with the Cal-Learn Program, unless otherwise exempt. Refer to Cal-Learn for an explanation of the Cal-Learn program.
This exemption must be reviewed 30 days prior to the recipient's 18th and/or 19th birthday, at RD, and at the beginning or shortly after the beginning of the school term.
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