Exemption Based on Age

Exemption Based on Age Under 16


All children under the age of 16 (unless pregnant or a custodial teen parent themselves) are exempt from the registration requirement.


This exemption is verified by any document which verifies the age of the individual. This includes items such as a birth certificate, baptismal certificate, etc.

Cal Learn

This exemption does not apply to a pregnant or custodial teen parent. If a child under age 16 is a pregnant or custodial teen parent who does not have their high school diploma or its equivalent, that child must cooperate with the Cal Learn Program, unless otherwise exempt. Refer to Cal Learn [EAS 42-762] for an explanation of the Cal Learn program.


This exemption must be reviewed 30 days prior to the child's 16th birthday, and at the annual redetermination (RD).

Exemption Based on Age 60 or Older

[EAS 42-712.43]

An individual 60 years of age or older is exempt from the registration requirement.

Note: As a means to assist the county in meeting the Federal WPR, individuals who are between 60 to 65 years of age may participate as volunteers in WTW activities. Staff must make every effort to encourage these individuals to take advantage of the CWES services available to them.


This can be verified by a birth certificate or any other document which verifies the age of the individual.


This exemption does not require a review after age has been verified.

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