Exemption Based on Domestic Abuse
[EAS 42-715.512]
Domestic Abuse
An individual who is a past or present victim/survivor of domestic abuse may be exempt from the 60-month CalWORKs lifetime limit and have their WTW participation requirement waived. A referral must be made to the CalWORKs Social Work Unit to make a determination of Domestic Abuse.
Refer to Domestic Abuse Referral Process.
It is not required for an individual to provide supporting documentation in order for the CalWORKs Social Worker/Domestic Violence Advocate to approve an exemption/waiver due to domestic abuse.
A pregnant or custodial teen parent may be exempt from WTW participation when the CalWORKs Social Worker/Domestic Violence Advocate determines that the domestic abuse interferes with or prevents the client from participating. Refer to Cal-Learn for an explanation of the Cal-Learn program.
A review of this exemption by the CalWORKs Social Worker/Domestic Violence Advocate is required at least every 3 months.
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