Exemption Based on Pregnancy
Prior to January 1, 2022, a pregnant recipient was exempt from the registration requirement if the pregnancy impaired the ability to be regularly employed or participate in self-sufficiency activities (unless the recipient is a Cal-Learn pregnant or custodial teen parent).
Effective January 1, 2022, Senate Bill (SB) 65 requires the Pregnancy WTW exemption to be granted to all pregnant recipients. With this change, pregnant recipients are no longer required to provide proof that they are medically impaired from participating in WTW activities or obtain a Good Cause determination that th WTW activities are not appropriate or will not readily lead to employment.
This pregnancy WTW exemption is not a CalWORKs time limit exemption. However, pregnant recipients may be eligible for a time limit exemption, including the disability exemption. Refer to CalWORKs Individual Time Limit Exemptions.
Pregnant Recipient Exempt Volunteers
Pregnant recipients may choose to participate as exempt volunteers. Pregnant recipients who volunteer to participate in WTW activities of their choice must agree to sign a WTW plan to receive WTW services. Pregnant recipients are not required to meet WTW hourly participation requirements due to their exempt volunteer status, and if they fail to perform the activities of their choice in the WTW plan, they should be moved to the pregnancy exemption.
A pregnant or custodial teen parent cannot be exempt due to pregnancy. Refer to Cal-Learn for an explanation of the Cal-Learn program.
A review of this exemption is required at the time of the anticipated delivery date. Once the child is born, the EW must determine if the recipient is required to be referred to CWES, or if there is another appropriate exemption.
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