Pregnancy Special Needs - Federal Eligibility

CalWORKs Federal Eligibility - Pregnant Person Only

[EAS 44-211.6, 88-410]


For a PPO, there is CalWORKs eligibility at any stage of the pregnancy. A PPO who has applied for CalWORKs with no eligible children is eligible to receive CalWORKs and is entitled to receive the PSN payment from the date of application through the end of the payment period in which the child is expected to be born once required verification has been provided. A sworn statement or verbal attestation may initially satisfy the verification requirement, however, appropriate medical verification must be provided within 30 working days for the PSN to continue.

If the birth of the child is voluntarily reported mid-period, the PSN payment must be discontinued at the end of the month prior to the month in which the newborn is added into the AU. Take the following steps at application:

  1. Secure the pregnancy verification. Establish deprivation for the unborn, and clear all other eligibility factors. (If there is no linkage to CalWORKs there is no eligibility.)
    1. If the applicant does not provide the pregnancy verification, the applicant may provide a sworn statement or verbal attestation to initially satisfy the verification requirement. However, the applicant must provide acceptable verification within 30 working days to continue to be eligible.
    2. Important: Remind the pregnant recipient if the pregnancy should end prior to the estimated delivery date, not resulting in the birth of a child, it is a required mid-period reporting responsibility to report either verbally or in writing, within 30 days following the end of the pregnancy. This must be entered into the Journal Detail page in CalSAWS.

  2. Compute the budget allowing the PSN.
  3. Send the recipient the appropriate Notices of Action both when the special need is allowed and in the final month of the special need.

Pregnant Teen

A pregnant teen parent with no other children (PPO) is eligible for the PSN payment if the unborn has a basis for deprivation.

The pregnant teen is claimed as eligible during the pregnancy, and is paid the Federal PSN for the entire length of the pregnancy.

AU With Needy Children

[EAS 44-211.6]


An otherwise eligible pregnant person with one or more needy children is considered eligible from the date of their PSN request up through the end of the payment period in which the child is expected to be born once required verification has been provided. If the birth of the child is voluntarily reported mid-period, the PSN payment shall be discontinued at the end of the month prior to the month in which the newborn is added into the AU. It is not necessary to establish deprivation for the unborn. The following steps must be taken:

  1. The recipient may provide a sworn statement or verbal attestation to initially satisfy the verification requirement. However, the recipient must provide acceptable verification within 30 working days to continue to receive the PSN. It is not necessary to establish deprivation for the unborn. The PSN is paid on the basis of the pregnancy.
    1. Important: Remind the pregnant recipient if the pregnancy should end prior to the estimated delivery date, not resulting in the birth of a child, it is a required mid-period reporting responsibility to report either verbally or in writing, within 30 days following the end of the pregnancy. This must be entered into the Journal Detail page in CalSAWS.

  2. Allow the PSN from the date of the pregnancy special request. Do not prorate.
  3. Claim the special need based on the AU’s Aid-Type.
  4. Send the recipient the NOA M44-211L when the special need is approved and in the final month of the special need.

Reminder: The Special Need payment is issued on the basis of pregnancy.

Caretaker of SSI/SSP Child, Foster Care Child, or Kin-GAP Child

If a caretaker relative of an SSI/SSP child, a Foster Care child, or a Kin-GAP child receives CalWORKs and becomes pregnant, that caretaker relative is eligible to receive the PSN, if otherwise eligible, effective the first of the month in which the request for the PSN was received through the month in which the birth is anticipated.

Example 1 Example 1 A recipient reports the pregnancy on the July SAR 7 received in August. The EW requests the pregnancy verification. The verification cannot be provided. The recipient is able to provide a sworn statement or verbal attestation regarding the pregnancy. The CW 2200 is sent to the recipient requesting acceptable verification. The recipient is given 30 working days to provide the verification. The recipient’s PSN begins on date sworn statement/verbal attestation is received. 

Example 2 Example 2 A recipient notifies the EW on the July SAR 7, received August 11th, of the pregnancy and the baby is due in September. The EW sends the CW 2200 requesting verification of pregnancy, which is received on August 25th. The recipient is eligible for the PSN from August 1st. 

Example 3Example 3A needy caretaker is receiving CalWORKs and the needy eligible child receives SSI/SSP. The caretaker becomes pregnant. The pregnancy is reported and verification is provided on October 27th, which states the baby is due on March 11th. The EW approves the PSN beginning October 1. If a recipient does not report the pregnancy, but only reports the birth of the child, there is no eligibility for the PSN. It is the responsibility of the recipient to report all changes, including reporting the pregnancy. 

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