Pregnancy Special Needs - Concerns

Non-AU Members

Non-AU members are persons whose income is considered in the budget computation, when determining the “family” MAP. The needs of these persons may also be considered, this includes special needs. These persons are generally found in the stepparent unit, the senior parent unit, or the ineligible non-citizen parent unit. Refer to Non-AU Members

Sanctioned or Penalized Person

A sanctioned or penalized person is not aided and therefore is not eligible for a special needs payment. Refer to Rule below. 

Note: This does not apply to grant adjustments due to the Cal-Learn penalty or the 25% penalty for child support non-cooperation. Refer to Ineligibility for Entire AU.

Termination of Special Need

Terminating the PSN is an adverse action and the recipient must be informed of the discontinuance of the special need. It does not matter that other factors create an overall increase in the grant. If the PSN is paid in a month when the recipient is not pregnant, it is an overpayment. The EW can then balance the overpayment against the underpayment. The Journal Detail page must be updated to indicate the action that was taken.

Prior to discontinuing PSN, information about, and referral to, mental health services shall be provided to the recipient when appropriate, such as when the recipient reports the end of their pregnancy, not resulting in the live birth of a child.

Multiple Pregnancy Special Needs

When a pregnancy verification indicates a multiple birth (i.e. twins) only one special need is allowed. The PSN is for the pregnant person.

If an AU contains two pregnant persons, and each is entitled to a PSN, the EW must enter the pregnancy information for each on the Pregnancy Detail page in order for CalSAWS to allow the PSN for both.

Budgeting Concerns


Important: Current Income Disregard and MAP values must be used in calculations. Income Disregard and MAP values in the example below may not reflect current values.

When determining if the recipient is eligible, add the PSN to MAP as appropriate. For example, a pregnant person receives CalWORKs for an AU of 2, pregnant person and one child. The baby is due in 2 months. Gross income is $587 per month. This is an “Employable” AU. The test is as follows:

Recipient Net Income Test
Gross Earned Income $587
Less $225 Income Disregard -225
Equals Net Earned Income $362
Less 50% Earned Income Disregard -181
Total Net Non-exempt Income $181
MAP for 2 (New MAP - Effective 04/19) $635
Plus PSN +100
Equals Total Needs $735

Since the Total Net Non-exempt Income of $181 is less than total needs, the AU passes the Recipient Net Income Test and remains financially eligible.

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