Ineligibility for Entire AU

Strike Status

The entire AU is ineligible for CalWORKs when a federally eligible natural or adoptive parent or pregnant person (AU of 1) living in the home participates in a strike on the last day of the month.

  • If it is a combined family, only the striking or U-Parent, his or her children and persons whose eligibility depends upon them, are ineligible.
  • A person currently on strike will be anticipated to be on strike on the last day of the month unless information to the contrary is provided by the recipient.
  • The family is ineligible for any month in which the parent participates in a strike on the last day of the month.
  • If the parent is anticipated to be on strike on the last day of the month and aid is discontinued, the EW shall rescind the discontinuance if the parent stops the strike action before the last day of the month.

Transfer of Property at Less than Fair Market Value

The entire family is ineligible for CalWORKs when the family is in a period of ineligibility due to the transfer of property at less than fair market value.  Refer to Transfer of Property [EAS 42-221]. 

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