Drug Felon

Effective April 1, 2015, Assembly Bill (AB) 1468 repeals the existing prohibition from receipt of CalWORKs benefits for individuals convicted in state or federal court after December 31, 1997, of a drug related felony. AB 1468 enacts statutory changes to the CalWORKs program by amending Welfare and Institutions (W&I) Code Section 11251.3 to state that an individual with a prior felony drug conviction shall be eligible for CalWORKs benefits, so long as the individual is compliant with the terms of his or her probation or parole, if applicable, including participation in a government recognized drug treatment program, if required.

Child Support Requirements and Collections

As of April 1, 2015, these cases are subject to child support requirements and must be referred for child support services and collection. As a condition of eligibility, the parent/caretaker relative must agree to assign support rights to the state, or be sanctioned, in order to avoid the 25 percent child support penalty. The adult is also be required to cooperate with the DCSS in determining paternity for the aided children and doing whatever is required by the DCSS to cooperate with child support enforcement, unless good cause is found.

Related Topics


Caretaker Relative Requirements

Chart of Relatives Who May Be Caretaker Relatives for Eligible Child

Determining Caretaker Relative

Temporary Absence

Persons Included in AU

Persons Excluded By Law

Ineligibility for Entire AU

Determination of AU, by Step

Needy & Non-Needy Caretaker Relatives

Approved Relative Caregiver (ARC) Funding Option Program

Pregnant Person Only

Pregnant Person in an AU with Another Eligible Child, or Otherwise Eligible SSI/SSP Child

Non-Minor Dependents