Native TANF Program

Native TANF is the tribal equivalent of the Federal TANF program. The NTP provides cash aid and employment services to TANF eligible families with federally recognized Native American members. The Washoe Tribe of Nevada and California administers the NTP in Santa Clara County. The NTP generally provides a higher cash aid grant each month and more flexibility with work participation hours. Many culturally-relevant workshops are also available as work activities.


All CalWORKs applicants must be informed of the availability of the NTP when there is a Native American in the family. This information is provided during the application/interview process. If interest is expressed, the EW will provide the applicant with the “Important Notice for Native American Indians” (SCD 840).

“Important Notice for Native American Indians” (SCD 840)

The SCD 840 must be explained to the applicant and they will decide whether they wish to pursue an application for NTP. If the applicant is interested in applying for the NTP, refer them to the NTP office to apply for benefits. Meanwhile, continue processing the CalWORKs application (and any other applications) to avoid a delay in their cash aid benefits.

NTP Eligibility

Eligibility for the NTP is determined by the NTP case worker. The NTP worker will look at many factors including, but not limited to, having at least one member of the family enrolled as a member of a federally recognized tribe or descendant of the California Judgement Roll. Once the family is approved for the NTP, CalWORKs must be discontinued with a timely and adequate 10-day NOA. The CalFresh and Medi-Cal portions of the case will remain open.

Native TANF Eligibility Decision

If the family is determined...

Then the EW will...

Eligible for the Native TANF Program,

  • Terminate the CalWORKs program via the Negative Action Detail page with the reason "Requested Disc. - Written" in a timely manner. The signed SCD 840 must be on file.
  • Add a “Native TANF Program (NTP)” case flag.
  • Hold onto the continuing CalFresh and Medi-Cal programs.

Ineligible for the Native TANF Program,

Maintain CalWORKs and any other open programs.

Unconditional Income

Native TANF is NOT considered unconditionally available income. Families are not required to apply for or receive Native TANF benefits. If the applicant chooses not to apply for NTP benefits, there is no negative financial impact on the family.

Time on Aid

TOA for the NTP will accumulate against the adult’s 60-Month TANF clock and the CalWORKs 60-Month clock. When an adult is transferred from CalWORKs to the Native Tribal TANF Program, both the TANF 60-Month clock and CalWORKs 60-Month clock TOA information must be provided to the NTP worker for each adult in the home.

CalFresh and Medi-Cal Programs

The CF and MC applications (if applicable) will be processed and maintained by the Santa Clara County Social Services Agency. The NTP does not provide CF or MC benefits at this time. NTP recipients may continue to be eligible for CF and MC benefits. They will continue to be regulated by the applicable CF and MC program reporting requirements and maintained by the EW.

Communication between the County and the NTP is essential. The EW will use the monthly NTP grant amount to determine ongoing CF and MC eligibility and benefits. The NTP provides a monthly listing of individuals receiving a NTP grant.

Native TANF CalSAWS Entries

Individual Demographics Detail Page

  • Is this person a member of a Federally-recognized Indian Tribe?: Choose Yesfor those identified as Native American.
  • Race/Ethnic Origin field: Ensure that “American Indian or Alaskan Native” is chosen for all household members identified as Native American.

Other Program Assistance Detail Page

  • Select the Name.
  • In the Type of Assistance field, enter Tribal TANF.
  • In the Amount or Value of Services field, enter Tribal TANF grant amount (this amount will be counted in the CalFresh budget).
  • Add Begin Date.
  • Select Verified.

Customer Options Detail Page

  • Select the Name.
  • Select "Full Medi-Cal Hierarchy" in the Type drop-down.
  • Select "Yes" in the "Do you want to be tested for the full Medi-Cal hierarchy?" drop-down.
  • Add Begin Date.

Case Flag

  • Select “Native TANF Program (NTP)”.
  • Effective Begin Date: Current Date.
  • Effective End Date: Leave Blank.

NTP Report

  1. NTP Site Manager:
    1. Send the TANF Aided Families Report to Program by the 5th of each month.
    2. E-mail any TOA requests to:
  2. Program:
    1. Send the TANF Aided Families Report to the appropriate District Office Managers for distribution to EWs.
    2. Auto-create tasks with the following instructions:
      1. For all cases: "Family received Native TANF Grant. Ensure Native TANF CalSAWS entries are completed and take appropriate actions. Refer to CWHB Native TANF Program for more information."
      2. For cases with an aided adult: "Complete a TOA Review Referral (SCD 146) for [Aided Adult's Name] and e-mail SCD 146 to Refer to CWHB Native TANF Program for more information."
  3. EW:
    1. Complete the assigned NTP Report task(s).
      1. Refer to the Guide to Reading the Native TANF Program (NTP) Report posted on the Program Reference Materials page under Eligibility Reference Material for Staff > Native TANF.
  4. Designated TOA EW:
    1. Enter Time on Aid in CalSAWS for both the TANF and CW Time Clocks as out-of-state Time on Aid.

Native TANF Contact Information

  • Address: 2480 N. First Street, Suite #140 San Jose, CA 95131
  • Phone: (408) 433-1000
  • Fax: (408) 433-1004
  • Site Manager: Joseph Duran, MSW