Entering TOA Information

Time limit clock information for TANF 60-month and CalWORKs 60-month is computed in CalSAWS based on the programs authorized in the CalSAWS System as well as user-entered information. Intake workers need to record the TOA information obtained from the sending county or state or Tribal TANF Program for the aided parent(s), stepparents, and/or caretaker relative. 

When the time clock information is changed, the EDBC result must be authorized in order to update the CalSAWS time clocks and send a transaction to TRAC in the nightly batch process. 

Statewide WDTIP Contact List

For a list of WDTIP contacts by county, go to the WDTIP County Contact page.

Tribal TANF Programs

Adults receiving a grant from the Tribal/Native TANF Program will have their time on aid manually entered as if they received TANF from another state. When Tribal/Native TANF is added and saved in CalSAWS, the information will interface to TRAC in the nightly batch process run.

Intake Staff will enter the TOA information in CalSAWS for new applicants and the Designated Eligibility 

Worker will enter the monthly TOA information received from the Native TANF Program on a monthly basis.

For contact information on TRIBAL TANF Programs, go to CDSS Tribal TANF Programs.

Related Topics

Entering TOA Information

Add New Time Clock Information

Ticking and Unticking TOA Clock

Exemptions and Extenders

Disability Exemption

Cal-Learn Exemption

Caring for an Ill Family Member

Domestic Abuse Exemptions and Extenders

Manual ES Exemptions

CWES Sanctions

Out of County Request for TOA Information

Time On Aid Notices of Action

Mismatch Records