Domestic Abuse Exemptions and Extenders

These are areas in CalSAWS to record Domestic Abuse (DA) information:

  1. Data Collection - Collect Domestic Abuse Detail window
  2. Employment Services - Maintain Employment Services Participation window
  3. Employment Services - Maintain Registration Status Reason window
  4. Maintain Participant Activity window.

Information entered in Data Collection is for informational purposes only and does not affect the CalWORKs Time Clock calculations. If there is a manually entered exemption in the Collect Time Clock Summary window, EDBC will not override the manually entered data regardless of the ES record.

For DA Exemptions

As EDBC runs in CalSAWS, the client must be in a Registered status in the Employment Services subsystem, WTW Program and have the Domestic Abuse Service activity with the Planned Start Date, Planned End Date and First Day of Attendance entered from the dates indicated on the SCD 1554. EDBC then checks the Individual Time Clock Summary tables to untick their CalWORKs time clock based upon the entries made by the worker in the Employment Services subsystem.

[Refer to “Domestic Abuse” in CalWORKs Handbook for detailed policy information.]

For DA Extenders

In the Employment Services subsystem, as EDBC runs in CalSAWS, the client’s registration status must be Exempt with the reason Manual Exemption: Domestic Abuse (CalWORKs time limit waiver). The Begin and End Dates entered on the Maintain Registration Status Reason window are obtained from the SCD 1554.

Recording Domestic Abuse Exemptions and Extenders

  1. The EW or EC refers the adult claiming Domestic Abuse to the CalWORKs Social Work unit via the Referral subsystem in CalSAWS. 
  2. The EW or EC receives the completed “CalWORKs Participation Status” (SCD 1554) form from the assigned CalWORKs Social Worker. 
If... Then...
The Domestic Abuse exemption/extender is denied, No further action is required.
The Domestic Abuse exemption/extender is approved, Proceed to the next step.
  1. The EW updates the Collect Domestic Abuse Detail window from the Display Domestic Abuse SummaryDisplay Domestic Abuse Summary window.
    1. The Effective Begin Date and Effective End Date are based on the dates indicated on the SCD 1554.

  2. The EC navigates to the Display Case Employment Services Participation window and opens the Maintain Employment Services Participation window.
  3. For a DA Exemption - On the [Registration] tab ensures that the Status Program is Registered and on the Maintain Participant Activity window enters the Domestic Abuse Service activity with the Planned Start Date, Planned End Date and First Day of Attendance indicated on the SCD 1554. For a DA Extender - On the [Registration] tab adds the Status Program of Exempt and enters the reason Manual Exemption: Domestic Abuse (CalWORKs time limit waiver) on the Maintain Registration Status Reason window using the dates obtained from the SCD 1554.
  4. The EW receives a task that was created by CWES indicating the Exemption entries have been made.
    1. Runs EDBC (online or batch) for the months in which the exemption is applicable, saves and closes the results. 
    2. Sets the Discrepancy switch to “Y” for each of the applicable months and authorizes the results.
    3. Reviews the CalSAWS CalWORKs 60-Month Time Clock SummaryCalSAWS CalWORKs 60-Month Time Clock Summary and validates the correct months are unticked with the correct exemption reason.

  5. After two days, the EW reviews the information on the ESUM screen to ensure it matches with CalSAWS. If the information in TRAC is not correct, submit an SCD 1296 to the MTO to request that the information be updated online.
    1. Note: In TRAC, 403 is the Reason CodeReason Code for Domestic Abuse.

Extending/Terminating DA Exemptions/ Extenders

Domestic Abuse Exemptions/Extenders are reviewed every three months by the CalWORKs Social Worker. The Exemption/Extender may be approved for an additional three months or may be terminated. A new SCD 1554 will be routed to the EW and EC to notify them of the outcome. 

Extending the DA Exemption/ Extender

To update the DA Exemption: 

EC will... EW will...
  1. Obtain a new SCD 1554 from the CalWORKs Social Worker,
  2. Update the Planned End Date field on the Maintain Participation Activity window to match the new end date on the SCD 1554, and 
  3. Leave the Actual End Date field blank to continue the exemption.
  1. Update the Effective End Date on the Collect Domestic Abuse Detail window to match the new date on the SCD 1554,
  2. Enters documentation in CalSAWS Journal Detail page, and
  3. Submits the SCD 1554 to be imaged.

Terminating the DA Exemption/ Extender

In the month in which the DA Exemption ends, select “Completed” from the DA activity Status drop-down menu on the Maintain Status History window. CalSAWS will automatically update the Actual End Date field.

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