Caring for an Ill Family Member
Any month in which the parent or caretaker relative meets the following conditions does not count toward the individual’s CalWORKs 60-month time limit clock due to caring for an ill family member:
- Caring for an ill or incapacitated person residing in the home, and
- The ability to be regularly employed or to participate in self-sufficiency activities is impaired.
TRAC Screens
- TSUMTSUM will show Time Clock months used and exception months.
- ESUMESUM will show the Reason Code and Description for Caring for Ill or Incap for the exempt months.
- KCALKCAL screen will have “E” for the exempt months on the CalWORKs 60-Month Calendar.
Related Topics
Add New Time Clock Information
Ticking and Unticking TOA Clock
Caring for an Ill Family Member
Domestic Abuse Exemptions and Extenders