Manual ES Exemptions

There are some ES exemptions that will NOT be determined when running EDBC or running the exemptions process from the ES Subsystem. These are referred to as manual exemptions and must be set by the user in the ES Subsystem by overriding the system-determined exception. When a user enters a manual exemption in the ES Subsystem, CalSAWS updates the time clocks appropriately for each month covered by the manual exemption based on the exemption reason and the Begin and End Date of the exemption. The following are exemptions that require manual overrides: 

  • Indian Country or Alaskan Native Village where unemployment is 50% or above,
  • Unable to maintain Employment or Participate in Welfare to Work Activities, and
  • Full-time VISTA Volunteers.

The following is a table of the Employment Services manual exemptions per CalSAWS, and the impact on both the CalWORKs 60-Month and TANF 60-Month time clocks.

Exemption Type TANF 60 CalWORKs 60 Extender (Y/N)
Domestic Abuse Ticking Non-Ticking Yes- if good cause is determined
Living in Indian Country or Alaskan Native Village Non-Ticking Non-Ticking No
Unable to maintain employment Ticking Ticking Yes
Full-time VISTA volunteer Ticking Ticking No

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