Mismatch Records

In instances where the number of months used and/or exempted in CalSAWS do not match the records in TRAC, it will be necessary to do a comparison to determine what action needs to be taken.

Reminder: CalSAWS is the system of record and therefore it is assumed that CalSAWS contains the correct information. However, all relevant data in CalSAWS must be researched to ensure that the mismatch months of the Time Clock in CalSAWS are correct. 


The client’s record in CalSAWS shows that she has used 6 months on her CalWORKs Clock; however, the client’s record in TRAC shows that she has used 16 months on her CalWORKs Clock.

  1. Compare the information contained in CalSAWS with the information in the TRAC screen KCALKCAL to determine which months are missing or inaccurate in TRAC. 

  2. Below is a comparison of all the months contained in the two records. This comparison shows that there is a mismatch of records from 12/2007 to 09/2008. For this situation CalSAWS has recorded the months with an Exemption while TRAC recorded the same months as Ticking.
Months CalSAWS Record TRAC Record
11/2007 Ticking Ticking
12/2007 Non Ticking Ticking
01/2008 Non Ticking Ticking
02/2008 Non Ticking Ticking
03/2008 Non Ticking Ticking
04/2008 Non Ticking Ticking
05/2008 Non Ticking Ticking
06/2008 Non Ticking Ticking
07/2008 Non Ticking Ticking
08/2008 Non Ticking Ticking
09/2008 Non Ticking Ticking
10/2008 Non Ticking -- (TRAC has no data for this month)
11/2008 Ticking Ticking
12/2008 Ticking Ticking
01/2009 Ticking Ticking
02/2009 Ticking Ticking
03/2009 Ticking Ticking
  1. Review the mismatched months in both CalSAWS and TRAC. In this situation, the mismatched months are from 12/2007 to 10/2008. CalSAWS has recorded these months as “Non Ticking” yet they are recorded as ticking in TRAC. 
    1. In CalSAWS, these months (12/2007 to 10/2008) are Non Ticking because they are all Exempt with the Reason of Cal-Learn Head of Household.
    2. In TRAC, the ESUMESUM screen shows that only 10/2008 has been recorded as an exemption due to Cal-Learn Head of HH. 

  2. Because the exemption was not recorded in TRAC, an SCD 1296 must be completed and given to the MTO to record these months as exempt due to Cal-Learn Head of Household. Since this is a request to add exemptions, the ESUM screen must be attached to the SCD 1296 request. 
    1. Note: Refer to WDTIP Exemption/Extender Codes for a complete list of the Exemption/Extender codes in TRAC. 

  3. From the UPEX screen, the MTO will: 
    1. Select the appropriate function key to either add, modify or delete the record. In this case, select F7 to AddAdd exception records. 

    2. Enter the missing exceptionsexceptions for each month (must be entered one month at a time).

    3. Enter “Y” in the ADD RECORDADD RECORD (Y/N) field displayed at the bottom of the screen. 

    4. Once all the months that are being requested to be exempted are entered, they will be displayed on the ESUMESUM screen. 

  4. After two working days have passed, review the KCALKCAL screen to ensure that the TRAC clock now matches the CalSAWS clock.

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