County-Initiated Mid-Period Changes

The EW must take mid-period action on certain specified changes in eligibility and grant amount at the end of the month in which the change occurred even if it results in a decrease in cash aid. A timely and adequate notice must be provided to the AU. The changes in eligibility status listed below are considered County-Initiated and action can take place at any time during the quarter:

  • An adult in the AU reaches the 60-month time limit;
  • The county imposes a sanction or financial penalty on an individual member of the AU;
  • The county removes the sanction of an individual who corrects his/her welfare-to-work participation problem.
  • The county removes the penalty for an AU that complies with the CalWORKs program requirements;
  • A Cal-Learn participant earns a Cal-Learn bonus or sanction;
  • A child in the AU reaches the age limit;
  • A child in the AU is placed in Foster Care;
  • A RCA recipient reaches the eight-month RCA time limit;
  • Aid is authorized for an individual who is currently aided in another AU;
  • Late SAR 7 adjustment;
  • State Hearing decision resulting in mandatory changes mid-period;
  • When an AU becomes a Family Reunification case;
  • An AU member is no longer a California resident;
  • County acts on redetermination information;
  • Adjustments to correct erroneous payments caused by (1) incorrect or incomplete recipient SAR 7 or mid-period reporting; or (2) incorrect action or lack of action by the county on SAR 7 or mid-period information reported by the AU;
  • When it becomes known to the county to that an AU member is deceased;
  • An AU is transferred to a Tribal TANF program;
  • When COLA for MBSAC, including income in-kind, MAP, and Social Security increases;
  • When it becomes known to the county that an individual is confined in a correctional facility on the first of the month and is expected to remain for a full calendar month or more.

Related Topics

Mandatory Mid-Period Reports

Reporting Changes Affecting Eligibility and Grant Determinations/Mid-period Changes