Mandatory Mid-Period Reports

The AU must report verbally or in writing, specific changes during the SAR payment period. These mandatory reports must be made within 10 days of when the change becomes known to the AU. The following occurrences are considered mandatory reporting and must be reported by the AU mid-period:

  • Fleeing felon status
  • Violation of conditions of probation or parole
  • Address changes
  • Income exceeding the IRT

Report of Drug Felony Conviction, Fleeing Felon Status, Parole/Probation Violations

Individuals reported for Drug felony convictions, Fleeing felon status, and violation of conditions of probation or parole are ineligible for CalWORKs benefits and must be discontinued. The EW must take mid-period action to reduce or discontinue benefits, at the end of the month after a 10-day notice can be provided.

Report of Change in Address

If the AU reports moving out of state, the EW will terminate benefits in mid-period at the end of the month after a 10-day notice can be provided.

When the AU reports moving to another county, cash aid will be discontinued in mid-period at the end of the ICT transfer period.

Report of Income Exceeding the Income Reporting Threshold (IRT)

The IRT is the greater of 130% of the Federal Poverty Level or the level at which an AU becomes financially ineligible.

When anyone in the AU or anyone who is included in the Family MAP has earned income or begins receiving earned income, the AU must report within 10 days when their combined gross earned and unearned income exceeds their IRT.

Note: An AU with unearned income only is not required to report when that income by itself exceeds the IRT in mid period.

Reminder: An AU is not mandatorily required to report mid-period when a new AU member (who has not been added to the AU) has income in excess of the IRT if that person was not included in the current AU or Family MAP for the current SAR payment period.

When an AU reports receipt of income that exceeds the IRT, the EW must determine the AU’s financial eligibility for the SAR payment period as follows:


Then the EW...

  • The income will continue at the same level,


  • The recipient is determined to be financially ineligible,
  • Will discontinue the AU at the end of the month following a change in income in which a timely and adequate NOA can be provided

Note: If the AU reports that the income will no longer exceed the IRT prior to the effective date of the discontinuance, and the EW determines that this is reasonably anticipated, the discontinuance must be rescinded.

  • The income is only expected to exceed IRT for one month,
  • Will not discontinue the case.

Note: If the income reported indicates a decrease in the income previously anticipated for the quarter, this should be treated as a mid-period report and a supplement must be issued for the remaining month(s).

Example Example In April, the AU reports timely that their earned income exceeded the IRT for April due to overtime. When determining the future reasonably anticipated income for the AU due to the IRT report, it is discovered that the AU’s income for May and ongoing will be less than IRT since she will no longer have any overtime pay. Since the income over the IRT will not continue, the AU is not discontinued. The EW must treat this information as a mid-period report and take no action to discontinue benefits. Benefits for the current payment period are not adjusted because the change does not result in ineligibility or increased befits. 

Mandatory Reporting Chart

Refer to the following chart for procedures to follow on mandatory mid-period reports:



An Address Change - Out of State,

Discontinue the case mid-period - at the end of the month with a 10-day NOA.

An Address Change - Out of County,

Initiate an ICT and discontinue cash aid mid-period (at the end of the ICT period.)

The AU/Family’s total combined income exceeds the IRT,

Discontinue the case at the end of the month following the change with a 10-day NOA IF the reported income will continue to exceed the IRT.

REMINDER: OPs are prohibited when the recipient has reported income over the IRT and there is not sufficient time to provide a 10-day NOA.

Fleeing felon status, or

Violation of conditions of probation or parole,

  • Take mid-period action to discontinue the individual with a 10-day NOA,
  • Reduce or discontinue benefits, as appropriate, at the end of the month after a 10-day NOA can be provided, and
  • Change Aid code if appropriate.

Note: Overpayments must be established for grants that were released at a higher level than the AU was entitled to receive when a timely 10-day NOA could not be provided.

Related Topics

County-Initiated Mid-Period Changes

Reporting Changes Affecting Eligibility and Grant Determinations/Mid-period Changes