Request for Reevaluation of Exempt Status

CWES Staff Procedures

If the CWES worker receives a request for an exemption from WTW activities (CW 2186A) from the client, or otherwise discovers that an individual should be exempt, these procedures must be followed:

  • CWES Worker
    • Receives completed CW 2186A from the client or other information indicating the client may be exempt from WTW participation.
    • Notifies the EW, using a user to user alert in CalSAWS, that it appears the client should be exempt from mandatory registration and Images the CW 2186A or other medical verification into case.
    • Notifies their CWES Supervisor if there is no response from the EW within 30 days.
  • EW  
    • Takes action within 10 days to correctly determine the work registration status of each client.
    • Reviews information on the CW 2186A and medical verification or other verification provided by Employment Services.
    • Contacts the client for more information, if necessary.
    • Notifies the CWES worker using a user to user alert if the client is NOT exempt or a delay of 30 days is needed in order to verify exemption status.
    • Makes the final determination of work registration status.
    • Completes the “CalWORKs and Welfare to Work Time Limit Exemption Determination” (CW 2186B).
  • CWES Supervisor  
    • Notifies the EW Supervisor if the EW fails to take requested action within 30 days and follows up with the EW Supervisor to ensure the required action is taken.

Client Request

The client has the right at any time to request an evaluation of their work registration status.

If the client... Then the client...
Does not agree with the EW's determination,

May request a review of their work registration status, either verbally or by completing and submitting a CW 2186A.

  • The EW will request verification of the exemption, and
  • Enter the expiration date when verification is provided.

Note: If verification is not provided, the client continues to be a mandatory participant.

States that he/she may meet one of the exemptions,

May request a review of their work registration status, either verbally or by completing and submitting a CW 2186A.

  • The EW will request verification of the exemption, and
  • Enter the expiration date when verification is provided.

Note: If verification is not provided, the client continues to be a mandatory participant.

Disagrees with the EW's determination that he/she must register with Employment Services,

Has the right to request a state hearing.

Note: Hearing and appeal information is located on the back of the CW 2186B, Exemption Determination form.

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Benefits Staff Procedures

Welfare to Work (WTW) Activities