Welfare to Work (WTW) Activities

Any non-exempt client is required to participate in WTW activities. A client may be enrolled in more than one WTW activity at the same time.

Job Club

Job Club is a 5-day workshop. Participation in all 5 days of the workshop is mandatory. In Job Club, the client learns how to complete job applications and resumes, prepares for interviews, builds self-esteem and locates job openings.

Job Search/Networking

Job Search may last up to three (3) weeks, unless employment is obtained prior to the end of the session. The client will work closely with an Employment Counselor who assists clients in finding a job. The client will be given interview leads and have access to job listings, resource materials, video equipment, telephone banks, computers, fax machines and computers to assist with the job search.

Self-Initiated Program (SIP)

A Self-Initiated Program (SIP) exists when a client is already enrolled/attending an educational or training program at the time he/she becomes an active Employment Services client. Employment Services MAY allow a client to continue in a SIP if:

  • The program is likely to lead to self-supporting employment,
  • The program provides skills needed in the local job market, and
  • The client is making satisfactory progress in their assigned program.

Note: The EW must never tell a client that he/she will have to drop out of school or a training program. EWs must not attempt to answer client's questions regarding education or training because of the complexity of the Employment Services program requirements. Clients should be told that their questions about education or training will be answered by the CWES worker at the time of their Orientation appointment.

Adult Basic Education (ABE)

Adult Basic Education services are provided to clients who have not completed high school. These services include reading, writing, arithmetic, high school proficiency, ESL or GED.


ESL teaches English skills to clients who need help speaking and/or understanding English.


The GED services prepare those who do not have a high school diploma or the equivalent to get a GED certificate.


The goal of Assessment is for the CWES Assessment Counselor and the client to develop an employment plan that will help the individual obtain employment and become self-sufficient. To do this, the CWES Assessment Counselor will look at the client’s abilities, interests, achievement tests, work history and education.

Vocational Training

Vocational training teaches clients skills to qualify for a specific job. This training is generally provided in a classroom setting.

Education and Training

Education and training activities could be college courses, vocational ESL, or adult education. Special services may include job search workshops, supervised job search, unsupervised job search, and job counseling.

Work Experience

Work Experience is unpaid training and work in a public or private nonprofit organization. It is designed to help the client gain work experience, develop job skills or enhance existing job skills that will lead to employment.


Work activities may include unsubsidized employment, subsidized private sector employment, or subsidized public sector employment.

Safety Net Subsidized Employment Program

Individuals who are approaching 42 months of their CalWORKs 60-month time clock and individuals who have timed-out may be eligible to participate in a subsidized employment program. Individuals who participate in the subsidized employment program may be eligible to receive supportive services for up to 12 months provided that they were placed into a subsidized employment activity within 12 months from the date of the discontinuance due to timing out from their 60-month clock. EWs shall provide the “Subsidized Employment Program Informational Letter/Flier” (SCD 2467) during TOA reviews to inform clients about the program.

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Employment Services

Welfare to Work (WTW) Activities