Employment Services


Employment Services Orientation is a group meeting. At orientation the following information is explained:

  • CalWORKs and TANF time limits,
  • WTW activities,
  • Participation requirements (core & non-core activities),
  • Hours of participation,
  • Attendance and Satisfactory progress,
  • Monthly reporting requirements,
  • Non-Compliance process,
  • Learning Disability Screening and Evaluation,
  • Appraisal process,
  • Rights and Responsibilities in the CalWORKs ES Program,
  • Child care, transportation and ancillary supportive services, and
  • Any other available services.

The client will complete the following forms:

  • “Acknowledgement of Limited Sharing of Information for the Administration of the CalWORKs Program” (SC 103)
  • “Appraisal Questionnaire” (SC 1772),
  • “Employment Verification” (SC 1818)
  • “Employment Release Verification” (SC 1838),
  • “CWES Orientation Checklist” (SC 1859),
  • “Rights and Responsibilities” (WTW 1),
  • “Welfare to Work Activity Agreement” (WTW2), and
  • “Child Care Form” CCP 7

“Acknowledgement of Limited Sharing of Information for the Administration of the CalWORKs Program” (SCD 103)

It is necessary to use an “Acknowledgement of Limited Sharing of Information for the Administration of the CalWORKs Program” (SCD 103). This acknowledgment advises our client that we may share limited information about them and/or the persons for whom they receive CalWORKs benefits. The information shared is directly connected to the administration of the CalWORKs program and eligibility to services or benefits provided by community partners.

“Appraisal Questionnaire” (SCD 1772)

The CWES worker will use the “Appraisal Questionnaire” (SCD 1772) to determine the appropriate WTW activity in which the client must participate.

“Welfare to Work Activity Agreement” (WTW 2)

The CWES “Welfare to Work Plan Activity Agreement” (WTW 2) is an agreement between Employment Services and the client for a WTW plan. The Activity Agreement specifies the WTW plan in which a client must engage and the supportive services that will be provided to the client.

Supportive services for CWES clients can include:

  • Child care,
  • Transportation expenses,
  • Work or training related expenses, and
  • Ancillary expenses.

Related Topics

Benefits Staff Procedures

Request for Reevaluation of Exempt Status

Welfare to Work (WTW) Activities