Mandatory and Voluntary Participants

Mandatory Participants

A pregnant or parenting teen is a MANDATORY Cal Learn participant if that teen parent:

  • Receives CalWORKs, and
  • Is under age 19, and
  • Does not have a high school diploma or its equivalent, and
  • Is in the same household as their child.

The Cal Learn rules do not apply to teen parents who:

  • Receive Foster Care, or
  • Are excluded from the AU, or
  • Are determined ineligible for CalWORKs.

Voluntary Participants

Pregnant or parenting teens may continue to participate in the Cal Learn program from the age of 19 up to age 20 on a voluntary basis, if ALL of the following requirement are met:

  • Are eligible and receiving CalWORKs
  • Participated in the Cal Learn Program prior to becoming 19 years of age
  • Have not obtained a high school diploma or its equivalent
  • Are attending a school program on a full-time basis which leads to a high school diploma or its equivalent by age 20
  • Reside with their child(ren) in the same AU.

If the 19-year-old teen DOES NOT meet all of the above requirements, that teen must be registered for CalWORKs Employment Services (CWES) if no other exemptions apply.

A 19-year old teen, who previously participated in Cal Learn, but is not currently receiving Cal Learn, can volunteer for Cal Learn participation, if otherwise eligible.

Example Example At 15 years of age, Mary was a Cal Learn participant. At 17 years of age, she went off cash aid and was no longer eligible to participate in Cal Learn. At 19 years of age, Mary is back on cash aid, has not received a high school diploma or equivalent and wants to voluntarily participate in Cal Learn. Mary is eligible to voluntarily participate in Cal Learn if she meets the other criteria for a voluntary participant. 

19-Year-Old Volunteer Continued Participation

Once a teen volunteers to participate in the Cal Learn Program, he/she must remain in the program until he/she receives a high school diploma or the equivalent or turns 20.

Example Example A 19-year old has volunteered to participate in Cal Learn. The teen parent fails to provide her report card in a timely manner. The Cal Learn case manager determines that there was not good cause and notifies the CWES Cal Learn Worker. The CWES Cal Learn Worker applies the appropriate penalty. 

A 19-year old voluntary Cal Learn participant is subject to the same bonus and penalty requirements as other teen parents enrolled in the Cal Learn Program. The 19-year old participant cannot stop a voluntary participation.


The Cal Learn Case Managers may contact the EW if specific concerns arise concerning the teen parent's CalWORKs case. If contacted, the EW may respond to the Cal Learn Case Manager, without having a signed release of information. The information requested must be necessary in order to administer the Cal Learn program.

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