RCA & ECA Work Registration Application Requirements



If a nonexempt applicant or recipient fails without good cause to do any of the following, they have not met the employment and employment-directed education/training requirements:

  • Accept a job offer without regard to whether such job would interrupt a program of services planned or in progress, UNLESS the RCA/ECAapplicant/recipient is participating in a program in progress of on the job training or vocational training which is part of an approved employability plan [69-207.127]
  • Appear for employment interviews arranged by the RRP funded service provider
  • Report to the RRP funded service provider when requested by that provider
  • Accept referrals to employment interviews arranged by the RRP funded service provider
  • Accept part-time employment-directed services (i.e., on the job training, vocational training); if employed 32 hours per week or less, provided that such services do not interfere with the recipient's job [69-207.16].

If a newly approved recipient is not found to be exempt or have good cause, they must register and participate in employment services within the first 30 days of receipt of aid.

Employed Within Previous 30 Days

When an applicant for RCA/ECA has been employed within the previous 30 days, the Intake EW must obtain verification of the ending date of employment and the reason for the termination. The “Request for Information from Employer” (SC 549) or "Employer Statement Form" (GEN 111) can be used although other verification is acceptable. Use the following chart to determine eligibility:



The employment was in another county or state and verification is not available,

The SC 549 or GEN 111 can be mailed to verify the applicant's statements.

Verification is not available because the employment was outside the USA,

The applicant's statement as to the date of termination and reason will be accepted.

There is no answer to the SC 549 or GEN 111 within 10 days,

Aid may be paid if otherwise eligible. The SSPM may waive the 10-day waiting period in cases of immediate need.

Job Quit or Refusal

An applicant for RCA/ECA must not (during 30 consecutive calendar days immediately prior to the beginning date of aid) have, without good cause:

  • Voluntarily quit a job
  • Been discharged for willful misconduct, or
  • Refused to apply for OR accept a bona fide offer of employment or RRP funded services.

Cause Determination

If a cause determination is needed, the EW must evaluate the reasons in consultation with the supervisor according to Failure to Cooperate

If the EW determines that “good cause” does not exist, the RCA individual is ineligible for the 30 days following the date of quit, discharge or refusal to comply. Aid may be paid to the rest of the AU if otherwise eligible.

Related Topics

Work Registration, Employment and Training Requirements

Failure to Cooperate