Work Registration, Employment and Training Requirements


As a condition of RCA eligibility, the nonexempt RCA refugee must participate in any available and appropriate refugee funded employment-directed education/training program.  

Rights and Responsibilities

At intake, and whenever a recipient loses their registration exemption status, the EW must inform the applicant of their rights, responsibilities and consequences of failure or refusal to register or participate in an employment-directed education/training program. Follow these steps to explain work registration rights and responsibilities:

  1. EW  
    1. Reviews the “Employment and Training Requirements For Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA)” (RS 36) with each mandatory registrant.
  2. EW and Registrant
    1. Signs and dates the RS 36.
  3. EW  
    1. Gives the original to the registrant and Images the signed/dated copy into the case record.
  4. EW  
    1. Documents the interview in the Journal Detail page of CalSAWS.
    2. The State requires the following documentation: "(Method of Interview i.e. telephone or face-to-face) Interview with (name). RCA requirements explained. (name) states they understand."

Central Intake Unit (CIU)

All nonexempt RCA refugees must:

  • Be referred to the CIU with a “Central Intake Unit Referral/Notification” (RS 3), and
  • Participate in Refugee Resettlement Program (RRP) funded services projects that provide job or language training, and
  • Accept and/or continue employment.

Upon receipt of the referral, the CIU must refer the refugee to an Employment Services Provider.

Inappropriate Referrals

Refugees found to be exempt from participation, based on illness or incapacity, will not be referred to the CIU.

When a refugee is referred back to the EW by the CIU, the EW must determine if an exemption exists. If the EW finds the refugee to be nonexempt, they must re-refer the refugee to the CIU with a new RS 3 and note in the “Comments” section, “No illness or incapacity was found to exempt the refugee from participating”.

CIU Referral Procedure

Upon determination that the refugee applicant/recipient is not exempt from participation, a referral is made to the CIU using the “Central Intake Unit (CIU) Referral/Notification” (RS 3).

The EW and each mandatory registrant MUST have an interview in the refugee's primary language. Provide “Notice of Language Services” (GEN 1365). At the face-to-face interview the EW must:

  1. Explain the referral process to the RCA refugee.
  2. Give the RCA refugee the "Central Intake Unit Referral Information Handout" (SC 1295).
  3. Refer the RCA refugee to the CIU using the RS 3.

RS 3 Referral Process

The RS 3 referral process is as follows:

  1. EW
    1. Click on the DocuSign RS 3 link.  This will take the EW to the PowerForm page.  In the County Staff section, the EW will:
      1. Enter EW name
      2. Enter EW email address
    2. In the Service Provider section the EW will:
      1. Enter Service Provider name: Central Intake Unit (CIU) signing group
    3. Click on Begin Signing.
    4. The EW completes all questions on the RS 3 form (top portion and 1-13).  On #11, select radio button "a" and enter "CIU will contact you by phone" in the text box.
    5. On #14, the EW signs, enters EW# and dates the RS 3 stating they have explained the rights and responsibilities for work registration to the registrant.
    6. The EW will receive a notification from DocuSign when envelope has been completed..

Note:  All items in red must be completed, if it is non-applicable, enter "N/A".


2. CIU

  • Completes the RS 3 (15-19)
  • Provides copy to the registrant via email or mail.

3.  EW

  • Receives a notification from DocuSign once CIU completes the RS 3 and retrieves a copy from DocuSign,
  • Images RS 3 into the case.

For Intake RCA cases, the mandatory registrant must participate in employments services with the Service Provider within the first 30 days of receipt of aid. 

Note:  Issuance of benefits should NOT be withheld awaiting proof of registration for employment services, however, the RS 3 must be sent to CIU prior to the case being transferred. 

For continuing RCS cases, the EW must allow the new mandatory registrant ten (10) working days to complete the CIU certification.

The RCA refugee has complied with the referral process when they return a completed RS 3 to the Eligibility Worker.

Voluntary participants will be referred in the same manner as mandatory participants. However, should a voluntary participant fail to comply with these requirements, no penalties will be applied.

CIU Registration

The CIU must complete the RS 3 to certify that the RCA refugee reported to the CIU. The CIU stamp must be on the form. All RS 3 forms returned without the CIU stamp and designated staff signature(s), are to be considered invalid.

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RCA & ECA Work Registration Application Requirements