Income and Eligibility Verification System (IEVS) Overview

The Income and Eligibility Verification System (IEVS) is mandated by federal law and is a computerized system that matches the applicant and/or recipient information to other databases in order to ensure factors affecting eligibility are known to the county.

When an applicant and/or recipient name and/or social security number (SSN) produces a match, the system returns information through an interface with CalSAWS. IEVS information may also be available through an online query of the Medi-Cal Eligibility Data System (MEDS).

IEVS is divided into two separate systems, which are:


System Name Operated By

Applicant System

Department of Health Services (DHS)

Recipient System

Department of Social Services (DSS)


IEVS Applicant System

Frequency of Matches

Within three to five calendar days, the information is available online in CalSAWS. The IEVS Applicant System provides information in the following situations:

  • Applications (including Add a Program)
  • A person with a SSN is added to an active case, or
  • An SSN is entered/changed for a person in an active case.

Refer to Interfaces - "Search for IEVS Applicant Reports" in the CalSAWS Help for instructions on how to access these reports.

Current Matches

Under the IEVS Applicant System, current matches are made against:

  • State welfare information files
  • California State EDD wages, UIB and DIB and NHR files
  • California State FTB interest and dividend files
  • CalWORKs/CalFresh disqualification and overpayment/overissuance files
  • SSA Title II, Title XVI and Medicare benefit files, 40-Quarter Work History files, SSN Validation files and Nationwide Prisoner files
  • FEIN information

IEVS Applicant Abstract Report

An electronic abstract is generated for each individual who provided a SSN. The information on the abstract is confidential and adequate precautions must be taken to ensure the information remains confidential

The eligibility worker (EW) assigned to the task must review the IEVS Applicant Abstract Report to ensure the county submitted the correct case and person data to DHS for the IEVS Applicant match.

The abstract displays the person’s name, sex, DOB, SSN and the SSN Verification Status.

If applicant information is correct, the EW must review the match result columns to see which of the inquiries resulted in a match. The columns displaying after SSN Verification are the match columns. "Yes” or "No" is displayed in each column for each individual to signify whether there was a match or not.

  • If the name, SSN, date of birth and sex are correct, then the information reported is pertinent to the particular individual.
  • If the name, SSN, date of birth, or sex are incorrect for any applicant, a new IEVS inquiry must be submitted for that person through the CalSAWS interface with MEDS.

Refer to "Send a Forced Add Transaction to MEDS" in the CalSAWS Help for instructions on how to generate an IEVS abstract.


Note: Correct the incorrect data in CalSAWS first before requesting a new IEVS abstract.

Wire to Wire Third Party Query System (WTPY)

Wire to Wire Third Party Query (WTPY) System is a computer match with Social Security incorporated into the Applicant IEVS System. It provides Social Security information on RSDI and SSI/SSP Benefits, Medicare Parts A and B, 40 Quarter data, and validates SSNs.

Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) 

The Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) is shown on the IEVS employer abstracts. In the rare case where the employer information is missing on the IEVS Reports, the worker can contact the IEVS Unit to obtain this information.

IEVS Recipient System

The IEVS Recipient System provides income information at various times during the year, depending upon the match type. Various tolerance levels and/or threshold levels are used to ensure only information, if unreported, could be expected to impact eligibility or share of cost is sent to counties.

The IEVS Recipient System consists of the following subsystems:

Related Topics

IEVS Confidentiality

Informing Requirements and Verification