Informing Requirements and Verification

Social Security Number (SSN) Informing Requirements

Social  Security Number (SSN)

All cash aid, CalFresh (CF), and Medi-Cal applicants must be informed verbally and in writing that:

  • All persons applying for and requesting assistance must apply for and/or provide a Social Security Number (SSN) unless specifically exempted by regulations.
  • SSNs will be compared with records from the Social Security Administration.
  • SSNs will be used in computer matches to check income and assets with records of tax, welfare, employment, and other agencies.
  • Differences between information provided by the individual and in the computer matches will be reviewed.
  • All discrepancies MUST be resolved as information may have an impact on eligibility or the share of cost.


Note: Cash Aid programs include CalWORKs (CW), Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), General Assistance (GA), Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants (CAPI), and Foster Care (FC).

Non-Work Social Security Number (SSN)

Documented Noncitizen without an Employment Authorization Document (EAD) are not eligible for an SSN. Staff can assist a documented noncitizen CW and CF applicant in obtaining a non-work SSN. The Social Security Administration has a policy regarding issuing non-work SSNs. The Social Security Administration understands that some programs, like CW and CF, require an SSN for applicants to receive aid and have offered the alternative non-work SSN letter. 

Staff must complete the Non-Work Social Security Number Request Form (GEN 2101) for documented noncitizens who have not been issued an EAD for them to be issued a non-work SSN. The letter requires a wet signature from designated authorized persons and once signed may be hand-issued to the client to take to the Social Security Administration. The chart below lists the authorized persons by district office:


Irina Zhuravleva Jessica Barron Ana Labrador  Maria Lariz Mai-Tram Nguyen
Elena Jimenez Christina T. Martinez  Thomas Borges Rosa Chavez Stacy Diaz
Aracely Martinez     Roland Cardoza  Van P. Pham

Social Security Number (SSN) Not Provided

If the SSN of any excluded individual is not provided or is not available for the IEVS/PVS match, the eligibility of the assistance unit CANNOT be affected. Document the circumstances in the case record.

Example Example An undocumented noncitizen is applying for Medi-Cal only and qualifies for restricted benefits.

IEVS as a Verification

Primary Source Verification

IEVS information may be used as a verification. If the client disagrees with the information provided by IEVS, additional verification is required. The chart below identifies what IEVS information can be used as verification for each program.


Source  Cash Aid CalFresh  Medi-Cal



Yes Yes Yes

Social Security Benefits


Yes Yes Yes

Social Security Income (SSI0


Yes Yes Yes

Unemployment Insurance Benefits/Disability Insurance Benefits (UIB/DIB)


Yes Yes Yes

Out of State Cash Benefits


No  No No

Related Topics

Income and Eligibility Verification System (IEVS) Overview

IEVS Confidentiality