Specific Programs

EAS 40-126.2, 40-171.11


CalWORKs regulations require that a CalWORKs application be approved or denied no later than 45 days following the date of application. This time period applies to SAVE. SAVE does not change CalWORKs payment requirements.

Deny the noncitizen member(s) of the AU if the requested noncitizen documentation is not provided by the 45th day following the date of application.

Do not delay granting aid to the remaining member(s) of the AU, pending documentation of noncitizen status, if the AU is otherwise eligible prior to the 45th day.

Immediate Need

Do NOT issue CalWORKs assistance or an Immediate Need payment until acceptable documentation of noncitizen status has been provided and the SAW 2 Plus has been completed and signed.

Refer to CalWORKs Handbook, “Immediate Need,” page 6-1 (EAS 40-129).

Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA)

SAVE is not required for the RCA program unless the client is also receiving CalFresh.


CalFresh households must be given 10-calendar days to provide verification, including noncitizen verification for SAVE.

If the 10-day period ends before the 30th day following the date of application:

  • Do not certify the noncitizen until acceptable verification has been provided.
  • The remainder of the household shall be given the option of participating without that member or withdrawing its application.
  • The noncitizen has up to 30 days from the date of application to provide the necessary verification and then be added to the household.
  • Certify the entire household back to the original date of application if the applicant chooses to wait until the noncitizen can provide acceptable verification, and acceptable verification is provided within the 10-day period.
  • If the remainder of the household chooses to be certified before the noncitizen provides acceptable verification, the noncitizen is not added until acceptable verification is provided. Add the noncitizen the first of the month following the month acceptable verification is provided.

When the 10-day period ends after the 30th day following the date of application:

  • The EW must provide CalFresh benefits to the remaining household members (provided all the other eligibility requirements are met and verified) no later than the 30th day following the date of application.
  • The noncitizen is:
    • Not certified until acceptable verification is provided.
    • Treated as an ineligible noncitizen, if the necessary verification is not provided.
    • Added the first of the month following the month in which verification was provided and eligibility was cleared.

SAVE does not change CalFresh issuance requirements. ES CalFresh must be provided for the household that has provided acceptable verification of noncitizen status, if otherwise ES eligible. Refer to CalFresh Handbook, “Citizenship,” page 14-5.


Medi-Cal applicants for full-scope Medi-Cal benefits must be allowed 30 days or the period of time it actually takes to determine eligibility, whichever is longer, to obtain documentation of noncitizen status.

  • If the noncitizen declares SIS but has no documentation, grant full-scope benefits, if otherwise eligible.
  • If the noncitizen fails to provide documentation of noncitizen status within the 30-day period, reduce to restricted benefits and send a timely NOA.
  • If the noncitizen applicant provides a document showing SIS within the 30 day period, and he/she is otherwise eligible, full scope benefits continue while that status is being verified via SAVE.
  • If USCIS responds to the SAVE verification and indicates the applicant does NOT have SIS, then reduce to restricted benefits with a timely NOA.

Remember that for otherwise eligible immigrants, claiming SIS full scope Medi-Cal continues for the entire USCIS processing period even when USCIS requests Secondary SAVE.

Exception: When a Medi-Cal client claims PRUCOL status as, “An alien, not in one of the above categories, who can show that: (1) USCIS knows he/she is in the U.S.; and (2) USCIS does not intend to deport him/her, either because of the person’s status category or individual circumstances,” (Section B 5, last category on the MC 13) the EW is NOT required to perform SAVE verification or collect any documentation relating to immigration status.

Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants (CAPI)

CAPI applicants must be allowed 30 days to obtain documentation of noncitizen status. CAPI benefits CANNOT be paid until proof of immigration status is received.

Related Topics

SAVE Overview

Electronic Verification Process