Electronic Verification Process

The SAVE program accesses information electronically to verify an applicant’s immigration status. During the electronic verification via CalSAWS and MEDS, SAVE uses online systems to check a benefit applicant’s immigration status information against records contained in the DHS databases.

In order to verify an applicant’s status, SAVE requires the number from the applicable document such as:

  • Alien Number,
  • I-94 Number,
  • SEVIS ID Number, or
  • Unexpired Foreign Passport Number.

SAVE also requires:

  • First and last name,
  • Date of birth, and
  • The benefit that the applicant is seeking.

Additionally, naturalized or derived citizens may present information from a certificate of naturalization or citizenship, in which case their citizenship could be verified through SAVE. SAVE cannot verify status using only the applicant’s name and date of birth or Social Security number. To confirm the person’s immigration status, compare the data from the immigration document to federal government records.

Three levels of the electronic SAVE verification process must be completed by the following order:

  1. The first level electronic SAVE verification process is completed through CalSAWS batch process at application registration or adding a person to an active case.
  2. The second level electronic SAVE verification request will be auto-triggered by MEDS interfacing with SAVE system.
  3. The third level SAVE online verification request is completed via SAVE website when immigration status is not verified in the first and second level verification process and the message “Institute Third Level Verification” in the “EMPLOYMENT-ELIGIBILITY-MESSAGE” field on the SAVE response file.

Exception: To access sponsorship information for over 10 year, SAVE online verification request must be submitted through the SAVE website.

Generating a SAVE Request in CalSAWS

CalSAWS automatically generates a SAVE request for verification when the information provided by the applicant is entered in the appropriate fields. If the applicant’s Alien Registration NumberAlien Registration Number (known as “A Number” in CalSAWS) is present, a batch transaction is automatically generated to request SAVE information when:

  • Application Registration is completed, or
  • A person is added to an active case.

Note: SAVE report will not be auto-generated if the Non-Citizen # field is blank.

SAVE information can also be manually requested by these two methods:

  • Sending a “Forced Add to SAVE” transaction via the Interface Activities subsystem. See CalSAWS Online Help, “Send Forced Add Transactions to MEDS/CDB” for instructions.
  • Completing a “SAVE Request for Overnight INS Response” online transaction completed by an MEDS Online Operator.

Within two to five calendar days, a SAVE abstract is available for viewing from the Search IEVS Applicant Reports window of CalSAWS Interface Activities subsystem. The majority of requests are resolved on initial verification. However, in some instances, status cannot be verified immediately through the initial verification in CalSAWS. The SAVE program may require further information or copies of the applicant’s immigration document in order to verify the applicant’s nonimmigrant, immigrant, naturalized or derived citizenship status. This does not necessarily mean that the applicant is not authorized to be in the United States or is ineligible to receive the benefit. It simply means that the EW must now access the SAVE Online System.

Related Topics

SAVE Overview

Specific Programs