SAVE Online System
There is one level of access for the SAVE Online System: General User.
General User access is provided to all SAVE Liaisons and EW IIIs. EW IIIs assigned to intake offices are responsible for requesting SAVE verification when necessary. In continuing EW IIIs, they process their requests and requests from EW IIs within their unit.
System User Agreement: Users sign in to the SAVE Online System and acknowledge the System Use Agreement information on the Sign In page.
The users are responsible for ensuring that all personal information collected is safeguarded and used only for eligibility determinations.
Sign In: Users are issued a username and password, which allows them access to the SAVE Online System. Step-by-step guidance on using the SAVE Online System is available on the Program Bureau webpage under System Reference Materials.
Initiate Case - Intake
The Initial Verification Process is initiated during the Application Registration process in CalSAWS when the appropriate windows are completed. Within two (2) to five (5) calendar days, a SAVE response is available for viewing from the Search IEVS Applicant Reports window of the CalSAWS Interface Activities subsystem.
1. Print a copy for the case file if the response requires no further action.
2. If the response is to institute additional verification, use the SAVE Online system to initiate a case.
Sponsorship Information
Users can request and receive “Affidavit of Support” information in the SAVE Online System. The SAVE System will return the following data elements in the “Affidavit of Support” Section:
- Sponsor First and Last Name
- Sponsor Middle Initial;
- Sponsor Social Security number; and
- Sponsor Address
- More than one sponsor in the event of joint sponsorship - a maximum of five (5).
When the applicant's status does not require sponsorship, the SAVE Online System will return the response, “Affidavit of support data is not applicable for this person.”
If the SAVE Online System cannot find the sponsorship data, the system will return the response, “No Affidavit of Support data was found for this person.”
Requests to validate sponsorship for applicants/recipients with a DOE greater than 10 years may return as “Not Applicable” in the SAVE system. The “Not Applicable” response does not confirm that sponsorship information is not available but instead means that the sponsorship information is not available on the first step of the SAVE verification request. If sponsorship information is necessary to determine eligibility, EWs must institute a secondary verification request for clients with a DOE of 10 years or more.
Acceptable Differences
When SAVE data is compared to information provided by the noncitizen, some acceptable differences may occur. Items to check include the noncitizen's alien registration number, name, date of birth and county of birth. Some acceptable differences include:
- A name reversal with the last name appearing first.
- A shortened name, especially Spanish names such as:
Maria de los Angeles as Maria Angeles
Juan Gomez y Conde as Juan Gomez Conde
Maria Gomez de Martinez as Martinez, Maria Gomez
- A recent marriage may not reflect a name change.
- The date of birth may have transposed month and day elements; for example, January 4, 1957, may appear as 040157 or 010457.
- The date of birth does not match, but the client has a court order showing the correct birthdate. Accept the court-ordered birth date.
- The country of birth may not be the country of nationality; that is, the state of legal allegiance.
- The date of entry — Since the date of entry could be the noncitizen's most recent entry into the U.S., it cannot be relied upon to indicate when the noncitizen was admitted as a lawful permanent resident.
- The Social Security number — USCIS does not have Social Security numbers for every noncitizen on file.
Unacceptable Differences
Initiate Secondary SAVE Verification, even if the SAVE response message is “Lawful Permanent Resident — Employment Authorized,” under the following circumstances:
- The SAVE data is inconsistent with the information the noncitizen provided.
- The differences in the information do not fall in the “acceptable differences” categories.
- There is doubt as to the identity or immigration status of the noncitizen.
Case Verification/Resolution
The Case Summary List displays the status of all cases submitted for verification. Users are responsible for checking the Case Summary List to obtain the responses for SAVE verification requests. The table below provides an overview of response times to requests for additional verification.
Verification Response Time Overview
Verification case type | Response time frame |
Initial Verification Response | Seconds |
Additional Verification Response | 3-5 Working Days |
Thrid-Level Verification Response | 10-20 Working Days |
Continuance Case Processing | 30 Working Days |
Overdue Responses and Case Issues
Users must contact Customer Support to resolve and close all Additional (Second Level) verification cases pending a response for over ten federal working days and Third Level verification cases pending a response for over 20 federal working days. Additionally, if SAVE returns a response that is missing information or has a question regarding the response, the user should contact Customer Support to resolve any issues or questions. For each case, the user must provide the case verification number.