SSA Protective and Supportive Services Overview

Protective Services for Children

Employee Responsibility for Reporting Child Abuse/Neglect

California PC Article 2.5 Sect 11164 - 11174.3

Employees of the SSA, regardless of their classification, are all mandated reporters and required by law to report instances of known or suspected child abuse. In Santa Clara County, reports of alleged or suspected child abuse or neglect must be reported to the CANC. This is accomplished by telephoning one of the following emergency numbers:

San Jose

North County

South County

(408) 299-2071

(650) 493-1186

(408) 683-0601

The mandated reporter must also complete a written report, within 36 hours, using the "Suspected Child Abuse Report Form" SS 8572, approved by the DOJ. All copies of the report, except the yellow copy, which is retained by the reporting person, is forwarded to Child Abuse Screening Unit, 373 W. Julian 3rd floor. Forms SS 8572 are available in shelf stock.

Note: Form SCD 16 Community Inquiry or Report is not to be used to report suspected or known child abuse and neglect.

Protective Services for Adults

Reporting of Physical Abuse

All SSA employees are required by law to report instances of physical abuse of dependent and elder adults. The term “dependent adult” means any person between the ages of 18 and 64 who has physical or mental limitations which restrict his or her ability to carry out normal activities or to protect his or her rights. “Elder” means a person 65 years or older.

As mandated reporters, they are required to “ the known or suspected instance of physical abuse to the county APS agency or a local law enforcement agency immediately, or as soon possible, by telephone and prepare and send a written report thereof within 36 hours.”

  • The mandated telephone report is made to Adult Protective Services at (408) 975-4900 or (800) 414-2002.
  • The written report is completed on Form SOC 341 “Report of Suspected Dependent Adult/Elder Abuse,” which is available through regular supply procedures, and forwarded to the APS at 333 W. Julian 4th floor.

Reporting of Other Abusers

In addition to mandating the reporting of physical abuse, the law provides guidelines for reporting other abuses. Other abuses include sexual assault, neglect, intimidation, abandonment, mental abuse and fiduciary abuse. Any person witnessing or suspecting that a dependent or elder adult has been subject to such abuse can report such cases to APS at (408) 975-4900 or (800) 414-2002. Telephone calls should be followed by submission of the SOC 341 form.

Safe at Home (SAH) Program

The SOS implemented the SAH program in July 1999 to help victims and survivors of domestic violence or stalking to remain safe from an abusive situation. 

Senate Bill 1131 expanded the SAH program to include individuals who face violence, harassment, or threats of violence from the public because of their work for a public entity.


  • Health care providers
  • Public health officers and public health workers
  • Election workers
  • School board members
  • Other city, county, and state government employees

Under the SAH program, certified participants are assigned a substitute PO Box address to use in place of their home, work, or school address. The address shown on the SAH program card must be accepted as the substitute address for applicants and recipients of public assistance.


Individuals who want to enroll in the SAH program must contact a designated enrolling agency found at the Secretary of State website.

Note: Individuals may contact designated enrolling agencies outside their residential area.

Confidential Post Office (PO) Box Process

SAH participants will have a Sacramento address. The county where the participants are living must be the county of residence and county of responsibility.

The county must accept the participant’s assigned SAH PO Box mailing address and four-digit SAH ID number in place of a street mailing address. Existing SAH participants who do not have an ID number should contact the SOS at (877) 322-5227 or The four-digit ID number that identifies the participant for mail delivery must appear on the C/O line of the mailing address. The ID number will ensure that the mail is delivered to the intended SAH participant.







In order to protect the SAH address in MEDS from being changed accidentally or automatically at reconciliation or renewal, the following process has been developed to protect the address and residence county fields:

  • The SAH address is submitted by an EW20 transaction. After the transaction has updated MEDS:
    • The address on the INQM screen will be:
    • On INQA screen, CURRENT RESIDENCE ADDRESS will be:
    • The CURRENT MAILING ADDRESS will display the SAH PO Box address.

The residence address for a SAH participant cannot be updated by the county. The following MEDS alert will be created if the county tries to update a SAH address:

Alert 2201
Safe at Home Client
Contact DHCS for Address Change - Urgent

Refer to MEDS Handbook 2201 - Safe at Home Client, Contact DHCS for Address Change - Urgent” for more information.

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