2201 - Safe at Home Client, Contact DHCS for Address Change - Urgent

This alert is issued when County staff try to change an address for a Safe at Home (SAH) participant. The residence address for a SAH participant cannot be updated by the County. Only Medi-Cal Eligibility Division (MCED) staff have the ability to update MEDS with a residence address.

Action Required

  • The residence address can only be changed if verification is provided by the beneficiary to the county indicating when SAH program participation was terminated.
  • An EW must creates a GadWIN ticket with a verification to request an address change. MEDS Coordinator will submit a Remedy ticket and attach the verification from the Secretary of State for MCED staff to update the residence address.
  • The County of Responsibility can change if a SAH beneficiary moves to another county. The receiving county must initiate an Inter County Transfer (ICT) by completing an EW05 transaction to take control of the record.

Refer to CP HB Chapter 13: SSA Protective & Supportive Services, Section Safe at Home (SAH) Program.

Related Topics

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2205 - Invalid Change - New MEDS-ID Was Prev Removed from Record - Reject

2206 - Incarceration Period Already Active on MEDS - Pri-Rej

2207 - No Active Incarceration to Release - Pri-Rej

2502 - Recipient in Hold Status - Alert