2194 - Citizenship Ver Info Not Updated - Double Check Citizenship - Priority Accept

This alert is generated to inform the EW that the citizenship verification information submitted via the AP19 transaction is not updated on MEDS. The reasons that this alert is generated include, but are not limited to:

  • An attempt is made to REPORT birth data containing a birth certificate number that is different than the one already verified via a birth record match. If the code “BM” is shown as the Document source, the AP19 transaction cannot be used to correct or remove the incorrect birth record match information from MEDS.
  • The Citizenship Document Type reported is lower in level than the Document Type already existing in MEDS (e.g., “2A” will be rejected if “1A” is already on MEDS (unless it’s a birth record match); “8Q” will be rejected if “2A” is already on MEDS.)
  • The same Citizenship Document Type is reported but the Citizenship Document Number is different than the one on MEDS or MEDS currently has a “NONE” in the Document Number field. This is considered a CORRECTION. Complete an SCD 1296 requesting the MTO to enter the correct document number online as CalSAWS is not yet programmed to send corrections.

Note: Since a Level 1 document satisfies both citizenship and identity requirements, if a Citizenship Document Type beginning with a 1 is reported and an Identity Document Type is not included on the transaction or does not begin with a 1, MEDS Identity Document information will be updated from the transaction Citizenship Document information if MEDS does not already show a Level 1 Identity Document Type.

Action Required

Compare the transaction information and MEDS information in the “Contents” section of the alert and take the following appropriate actions:

  • If citizenship is verified via a vital statistics match and the match is CORRECT, no further action is required.
  • If citizenship is verified via a vital statistics match but the match is INCORRECT, a GadWIN ticket must be created with birth verification and CalSAWS/MEDS screens to remove the Birth Match (BM) source for correction.
  • If MEDS has a higher level Citizenship (CZ) Document Type with the appropriate Document Number, ensure CalSAWS has the same Document Type and Document Number, and NO further action is required. If not, correct CZ Document Type and Number in CalSAWS to match MEDS.
  • If MEDS has the same or higher level Document Type but the Document Number is incorrect or blank, complete an SCD 1296 requesting an online AP19 transaction to have the number corrected/recorded.

Related Topics

2184 - Effective Date Adjusted Due To Eligibility Conflict - Priority Accept

2195 - Identity Ver Info Not Updated - Double Check Identity - Priority Accept

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2201 - Safe at Home Client, Contact DHCS for Address Change - Urgent

2205 - Invalid Change - New MEDS-ID Was Prev Removed from Record - Reject

2206 - Incarceration Period Already Active on MEDS - Pri-Rej

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