2184 - Effective Date Adjusted Due To Eligibility Conflict - Priority Accept

This alert is generated as a warning message when the EW or the MTO sends a transaction to MEDS/CDB, and the effective date in the transaction has been changed by the MEDS Network because it conflicts with current eligibility. The client's MEDS record showed conflicting eligibility for the time period covered by the transaction, so the effective date was adjusted forward one month past the conflicting month in order to try to post the requested change. In most cases this adjustment should allow MEDS to post the update. Sometimes this message will be accompanied by another message indicating that MEDS was unable to post the update due to no matching County ID or qualifying eligibility found on MEDS after the effective date was adjusted.

Usually the effective date adjustment allows MEDS/CDB to update the record with whatever changes were requested in the transaction. Sometimes however this CalSAWS is generated with another message indicating that MEDS/CDB is unable to post the change due to no matching County-ID or qualifying eligibility found on MEDS after the effective date has been adjusted.

Action Required

Check the MEDS record to determine if the update was posted. If the update was not posted, check the MEDS worker alerts (INWA and/or county file) to find other alerts which indicate the source of the problem. As appropriate, correct the source problem and resubmit the information on the original transaction update(s) to MEDS.

If the effective date adjusted by MEDS is appropriate, and the CalSAWS is generated as an alert message only, no further action is required.

Related Topics

2194 - Citizenship Ver Info Not Updated - Double Check Citizenship - Priority Accept

2195 - Identity Ver Info Not Updated - Double Check Identity - Priority Accept

2196 - Inappropriate Date Change for Identity Verified Client - Urgent

2201 - Safe at Home Client, Contact DHCS for Address Change - Urgent

2205 - Invalid Change - New MEDS-ID Was Prev Removed from Record - Reject

2206 - Incarceration Period Already Active on MEDS - Pri-Rej

2207 - No Active Incarceration to Release - Pri-Rej

2502 - Recipient in Hold Status - Alert