2196 - Inappropriate Date Change for Identity Verified Client - Urgent

This message is generated when an EW12 or EW30 transaction is submitted to change the client’s name/date of birth (DOB); however, there is existing citizenship and/or identity information has been verified on MEDS.

Action Required

Compare name/DOB/gender listed under Data-Element field on INQD/INQE/INQM screens with the data on Individual Demographics Detail page. If they are the same, NO further action is required. If they are NOT the same, review case record and imaging to determine which name/DOB/gender is the correct one and take the following actions:

  • If [INQE] has the CORRECT birthdate, enter the correct DOB in the Date of Birth field in the  Individual Demographics Detail page. Ensure CalHEERS has the same name/DOB/gender as CalSAWS.
  • If [INQE] has the INCORRECT birthdate, complete an SCD 1296 requesting the MTO to remove the citizenship and/or identity information and enter the correct DOB online. The process will take the MTO two days to complete:
    • DAY 1: The MTO will need to complete an online AP19 transaction to remove the citizenship and/or identity information using the value “R” in the CORRECTION-IND field.
    • DAY 2: The MTO will need to complete another online AP19 transaction to report the correct DOB (in the NEW-BIRTHDATE field) as well as reenter the citizenship and/or identity information. Note: The corrected DOB will not show on the SSN-VER-BIRTHDATE field of the [INQE] screen until the next SSN Validation.

Refer to MEDS Birthdate/Name/Gender Corrections for validated SSN.

Related Topics

2184 - Effective Date Adjusted Due To Eligibility Conflict - Priority Accept

2194 - Citizenship Ver Info Not Updated - Double Check Citizenship - Priority Accept

2195 - Identity Ver Info Not Updated - Double Check Identity - Priority Accept

2201 - Safe at Home Client, Contact DHCS for Address Change - Urgent

2205 - Invalid Change - New MEDS-ID Was Prev Removed from Record - Reject

2206 - Incarceration Period Already Active on MEDS - Pri-Rej

2207 - No Active Incarceration to Release - Pri-Rej

2502 - Recipient in Hold Status - Alert