Birthdate/Name/Gender Corrections


  • When approving or restoring an individual who has a prior MEDS and/or CDB record, the DOB/name/gender CANNOT BE CHANGED AT THE SAME TIME the approval/restoration action is taken in CalSAWS. This includes persons with active or closed MEDS/CDB records in other counties as well as our own.
  • If a DOB/Name/Gender change is made AT THE SAME TIME, the Add (EW20 or FX20) transaction will be rejected by MEDS and a CEWA is generated by the MEDS Network.
  • If the DOB/Name/Gender on MEDS is INCORRECT, the EW must activate the person with the incorrect information and WAIT two (2) days before making a DOB correction.

Note: When name/gender change is made, follow the same process used for name/gender corrections below.

Correcting DOB/Name/Gender for Unvalidated SSN

If the SSN-VER field on MEDS/CDB contains a numeric entry, or an alpha/special character entry of N, O, P, Q, S, T, U, V, Y, &, %, !, the DOB can be changed via the CalSAWS nightly batch process without requesting SSN-VER code lifted by the MEDS Coordinator.

Follow the steps below to change the DOB/Name/Gender:

  • Enter the correct DOB/Name/Gender on the Individual Demographics Detail page.
  • Ensure the correct DOB/Name/Gender updated in CalHEERS if applicable.
  • Check INQE screen to see if the DRA citizenship and/or identity information are verified.
    • If NO, no further action is required. CalSAWS will automatically generate an EW12 transaction to correct the DOB/Name/Gender on MEDS. Check INQM/INQE screens in two working days for the correct DOB/Name/Gender.
    • If YES, submit an SCD 1296 requesting the MTO to remove the citizenship/ identity information and correct the DOB.

Note: If SOURCE of CZ/ID is other county code (not “43”), or ‘BM’, submit a GadWIN ticket with appropriate MEDS/CalSAWS/CalHEERS screens requesting the SOURCE to be removed before correcting the DOB/Name/Gender.

  • The MTO will complete the DOB/Name/Gender correction by following below steps:
    • Day 1:
      • Complete an online AP19 transaction to remove the citizenship and/or identity information.
    • Day 2:
      • Verify that the citizenship/identity information on INQE has been removed.
      • Complete an online EW12 or AP19 transaction to correct the DOB/Name/Gender.
    • Day 3:
      • Verify MEDS to ensure the DOB/Name/Gender has been corrected on both INQM and INQE screens.
      • Complete an online AP19 transaction to re-enter the citizenship/identity information.

Correcting DOB/Name/Gender for Validated SSN

If the SSN-VER field on MEDS contains a validation code of A, B, C, D, E, F, H, I, J, K, or W, follow the steps below to correct the DOB/Name/Gender:

  • Complete a MC 194 to refer the client to SSA. Refer to “Referral to Social Security Administration (SSA)” below for more information for DOB/Name/Gender change if necessary.
  • When the MC 194 is completed and returned by SSA indicating the correct DOB/Name/Gender being used in their system, submit a GadWIN ticket with a copy of MC194 requesting to have the SSN-VER code lifted.
  • Once the code is lifted and replaced with an * (asterisk), the EW will be notified. The DOB/Name/Gender can then be corrected following the steps outlined in the previous section for “Correcting DOB/Name/Gender for Unvalidated SSN.”

Referral to Social Security Administration (SSA)

If the DOB/Name/Gender correction is on a record with a VALIDATED SSN, the incorrect birthdate/Name/Gender MUST REMAIN in CalSAWS until the MEDS Coordinator lifts the SSN-VER validation code from the MEDS record and replaces it with an * (asterisk).

Refer the client to SSA with a MC 194 form. SSA must be advised of the DOB/Name/Gender change so their records can be updated in the "NUMIDENT File" in Baltimore. The MC 194 must CLEARLY state the incorrect birthdate/Name/Gender and what the correct DOB/Name/Gender is.

SSA will not process updates/changes to the NUMIDENT File without acceptable documentation supplied by the client, which verifies what must be corrected. Refer to the reverse side of an MC 194 for a listing of what SSA defines as acceptable documentation to affect the required DOB change.

Related Topics

MEDS/CDB Record Changes

Types of Change Transactions


Person Number Changes/Corrections

Duplicate Person/CIN Correction Process

Death Information Correction

Share of Cost and Aid Code Changes/Corrections

Other Health Coverage Changes/Corrections

Change of Address for Foster Care Children Placed Out-of-County

Correcting Cross County Line Zip Codes

Shared Data Element Changes - CDB