Duplicate Person/CIN Correction Process

The CIN is a unique statewide identification number assigned by the SCI to an individual. The CIN is used to uniquely identify individuals in SCI for tracking purposes and to store demographic information associated with an individual such as name, DOB, and SSN.

If the client has been assigned more than one CIN or the wrong CIN, CalSAWS allows the user to correct the duplicate CIN.

For duplicate or multiple CIN corrections, EW11 online transactions are required to link the incorrect record(s) to the correct one. This should be done prior to the CalSAWS batch run, otherwise the new MEDS transactions generated from CalSAWS with the latest CIN may be rejected.

Refer to the following sections in the CalSAWS "Job Aid (JA) Duplicate Persons - Identifying and Correcting", for step-by-step instructions on:

  • Finding Duplicate Persons,
  • Duplicate Person Identification,
  • Indicating a Person is a Duplicate,
  • Correcting the Case Record,
  • Removing the Person as a Duplicate,
  • Correcting Duplicate Person/CIN. Refer to “Example 1: "Identifying and Correcting Duplicate Person/CIN in CalSAWS and MEDS" below, and
  • Correct an Incorrect CIN when the CWIN is Correct. Refer to “Example 2: Re-Clear Process to Correct an Incorrect CIN” below.

Example of Duplicate Person/CIN

Illustrated below is an example of how a duplicate person/CIN can be corrected. There is no automatic process for correcting the CIN and not all CIN problems are identical. EWs must work closely with their supervisor and office MEDS Liaison to resolve a CIN problem. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact the MEDS Coordinator via a GadWIN ticket.

Important: The EW MUST complete the duplicate person/CIN correction process on the same time/day to prevent negative eligibility result.

Example 1: Identifying and Correcting Duplicate Person/CIN in CalSAWS and MEDS

During application registration process, a new CIN was assigned to Mr. Pitt in the new case instead of using the existing CIN in old case CalSAWS/MEDS.

Note: It is suggested that a CIN with the most history of benefits should be kept. Additionally, verify that the person is not listed as In the Home on the Household Status Detail page, and absent parent, as it can impact the interface with Child Support, and/or considered to be a confidential record that should not be merged with a new record.

The following steps are to correct two CIN's (CalSAWS/MEDS records) that are assigned to the same individual:

  1. Thoroughly review both client's records in CalSAWS/CalHEERS on the Person Search pagePerson Search page and MEDS (Fuzzy Search, INXC, INQM) to compare the client's First/Middle/Last Name, DOB, MEDS-ID (SSN or pseudo), and aid code.

  2. Once you determine that duplicate CIN exists, select the duplicate CIN record on the Individual Demographics List page and click on Edit button.
  3. On the Individual Demographics Detail page click the Duplicate List button (NOTE: If the Individual Demographics Detail page was not previously completed, you need to complete all required fields before clicking the Duplicate List button).
  4. On the Duplicate Person List page click the Select button.
  5. On the Select Person page enter the information of the person you want to keep as the correct person record in the search fields. Click the Search button (click the radio button next to the correct person record to use going forward). Click the Select button (NOTE: The results do not list the person record you are currently indicating as a duplicate).
  6. The person has now been identified as a duplicate. Click hereClick here for CalSAWS step-by-step process.

  7. Complete an SCD 1296 from to request an EW11 online transaction to merge the two records and indicate on the form the GOOD CIN/Person Number/Case Number and correct Name/DOB/SSN/Aid Code that must be matched in three systems (CalSAWS/CalHEERS/MEDS).
  8. After receiving the notification from the MTO that both MEDS records were merged, click the INXX screen in MEDS to ensure the GOOD CIN was kept and the Duplicate (BAD) CIN indicates frozen "F".

Note: If the correct person record is not associated with the case of the person just marked as a duplicate record, you need to add the correct person record to the case. Once the correct person has been added to the case, you may then add them to program(s) if needed.

Example 2: Identifying and Correcting Duplicate Person/CIN in MEDS only

Same case scenario as in Example 1. During the application registration process, it was discovered through Fuzzy Search (INQN) that Mr. Pitt has two CINs in MEDS but one CIN in CalSAWS/CalHEERS.

The following steps are to correct duplicate CIN that are assigned to the same individual.

  1. Thoroughly review both client's records in MEDS (Fuzzy Search, INXC, INQM) to compare the client's First/Middle/Last Name, DOB, MEDS-ID (SSN or pseudo), and aid code.
  2. Identify and keep record that has the most history of eligibility, and keep CIN that is already in CalSAWS/CalHEERS.
  3. Complete an SCD 1296 form to request an EW11 online transaction to merge the two records and indicate on the form the GOOD CIN/Person Number/Case Number and correct Name/DOB/SSN/Aid Code that must be matched in three systems (CalSAWS/CalHEERS/MEDS).
  4. After receiving the notification from the MTO that both MEDS records were merged, click the INXX screen in MEDS to ensure the GOOD CIN was kept and the Duplicate (BAD) CIN indicates frozen "F".

Example 3: Identifying and Correcting Duplicate Person in CalSAWS ONLY (no person number issues in MEDS and CalHEERs)

Note: The following steps apply for duplicate person in CalSAWS only. If there is a duplicate record or person number issue in CalHEERs or MEDS do not use example 3, instead use example 1 or 2.

During the application registration process, it was determined when searching individual by CIN through a Person Search page that individual has more than one record with a same information displayed (same name, same SSN, same DOB, same CIN).

This process must be completed on the same day.

  1. Thoroughly review person number for all records and choose an active-golden record to keep. Occasionally the active-golden record may belong to the other county. And if so, add a new person into our case which mirror exact information from the golden record (same letter characters, capitalization, etc.).
  2. Identify individual with correct CalSAWS person number. If our record is considered duplicate, new person should be added to the case (use upper-case or lower-case letters to visually distinct between two records).
  3. Add new person to the case. Refer to the CalSAWS "Job Aid (JA) Duplicate Persons - Identifying and Correcting", section Adding a Person Record to a Case. CalSAWS will auto populate next person number on the new person record.
  4. Once the new person record displays on the Case Summary page, submit a GadWIN ticket (only CATS has access to update person number in CalSAWS) with detailed info which record is the good record, and which one is bad and what person number needs to be updated. Note: When the new person number is created due to ICT duplicate person issue and if that new person number already exists in MEDS (on INQW/INXC screen) for the same individual, keep all person numbers in CalSAWS to match MEDS.

  5.  Upon completion of duplicate person process, ensure only one record displays on Person Search page when performing person search by CIN/SSN.
  6. Ensure to add all applicable information (Household Status, Relationship, Residency, TOA, Tax Household, etc.) into Data Collection pages for the new person. 

Refer to CATS - eICT with Duplicate Person, for additional information related to eICT.


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