Correcting Cross County Line Zip Codes
Although over 90% of the addresses get a successful return from Finalist with a barcode and a residence county, there have been occurrences where an address has an incorrect county designation in Finalist. This occurs most commonly where zip codes cross county lines.
The following steps are how to correct cross county line zip codes:
- The EW:
- Obtains a verification of the correct residence county such as Assessor's record, PG&E bill, water bill, and phone bill etc.
- Emails the USPS at amssupport.ncsc@usps.gov and provides proof of the address to USPS to update the software to reflect the correct county.
- Submits a GadWIN ticket including the same verification sent to the USPS and the e-mail from USPS that confirmed the correction has been made in their software.
- The MEDS Coordinator:
- Submits an USPS Address Correction Remedy Script with the copy of USPS e-mail to request an immediate update to MEDS.
- Sends an e-mail to the processunit@dhcs.ca.gov mailbox with USPS confirmation that the correction has been made.
- The State MEDS Help Desk (MCED):
- Submits a transaction to add the zip code to the table.
- Submits a transaction to remove the zip code from the table once Finalist has been updated.
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