Death Information Correction

If the death information is reported to MEDS in error, the erroneous data must be corrected before any transactions can be generated to either reactivate or update the client’s record.

The date information (DEATH-DT, DEATH-CD, and DEATH-POSTED fields) in MEDS can be found on the INQM and INQE screens. The DEATH-CD field indicates how the death information was reported to MEDS. Refer to MEDS Quick Reference Guide (QRG) for a list of death codes.


If an incorrect date of death is entered in the DEATH-DT field on MEDS from various source, the incorrect date prevents the state from paying a provider for services provided after the death date. Correction of the death date is required so the provider can receive payment from the state for Medi-Cal services provided. EWs cannot reactivate a MEDS record with a death date. The death date must be corrected by the MEDS Coordinator via a GadWIN ticket.


If the death information was erroneously entered through a CalSAWS entry or entry by another source, but the beneficiary is NOT deceased, the Death Code and Death Date must be removed by the MEDS Coordinator prior to reactivating the beneficiary in CalSAWS.

Referral to the MEDS Coordinator

To request correction or removal of the Death Code and/or Death Date, the EW must submit a request to the MEDS Coordinator via a GadWIN ticket.

  • Before creating the ticket, review the death certificate (if deceased) or proof that the client is still alive (if not deceased) as well as data in CalSAWS and MEDS with the district office MEDS Liaison for appropriateness of the referral.
  • If appropriate, the EW creates a GadWIN ticket by pressing the Control/Print Screen buttons simultaneously on any MEDS screen (e.g., INQM, INQF, etc.).
  • Select "MEDS" from the Categories drop-down menu and select the reason of the referral in the Problem Area box.
  • Once the MEDS Coordinator has corrected or removed the death information on MEDS, the owner of the GadWIN ticket (usually the EW) will be notified. The EW can then take action in CalSAWS to remove/correct the death date or reactivate the client as appropriate.

Removal/Correction for SSI Clients

When EWs/clerical staff are contacted by SSI clients (aid code 10, 20, 60) or their family members to request removal/correction of death information on MEDS, follow the steps below.

  • Verify the client’s proof of identity (birth certificate, passport, SSN, current driver’s license, etc.) indicating he/she is alive and refer the client to SSA. The SSA requires an in-person interview and proof of identity (birth certificate, passport, SSN, current driver’s license, etc.) indicating the client is alive.
  • If correcting the death date, a proof of death date (e.g., a death certificate) must be verified prior to submitting a GadWIN ticket.
  • Create a GadWIN ticket to request the MEDS Coordinator to have State MEDS Help Desk removed the death date and/or death code.

Note: For the SSI client with no CalSAWS case number, refer to SSA and instruct the client to request SSA provides them with a confirmation in writing, validating the fact that they are not deceased before creating a GadWIN ticket for removal/correction of the death information and attaching the proof from SSA to the ticket.

Related Topics

MEDS/CDB Record Changes

Types of Change Transactions

Birthdate/Name/Gender Corrections


Person Number Changes/Corrections

Duplicate Person/CIN Correction Process

Share of Cost and Aid Code Changes/Corrections

Other Health Coverage Changes/Corrections

Change of Address for Foster Care Children Placed Out-of-County

Correcting Cross County Line Zip Codes

Shared Data Element Changes - CDB