Warrants Procedures

Returned Paper Warrants

Returned Directly by the Client

When a client brings the warrant into the office to return it, the following procedures must be followed:

  1. The EW contacts the DOFC and notifies him/her the client is in the lobby with a warrant, and provides pertinent information.

Note: Sometimes the client may return the warrant with the SAR 7. If this occurs, the EW must follow these same procedures, informing CST that the client is NOT in the lobby.

  1. The DOFC:
    1. Accepts the warrant from the client.
    2. Gives the client a receipt if requested.
    3. Writes "VOID" on the warrant.
    4. Makes a copy of the returned voided warrant and gives it to the EW assigned to the case.
    5. Forwards the original warrant to the BI Unit @ Julian.
  2. The EW:
    1. Completes the "Fax Request for Benefits Issuance Action" (SCD 274) giving disposition instructions for the returned warrant.
    2. Faxes/ponies the SCD 274 and the copy of the returned warrant to the BI Unit @ Julian at (408) 755-7919.
  3. The BI Unit @ Julian:
    1. Changes the "Issuance Status" per request to cancelled if it conforms to the County Fiscal policy and procedure.
    2. Enters details (reason, date, amount, status change, effective month, etc.) for this change request in Journal Detail page after action has been completed.
    3. Notifies EW by phone/fax/email when change status is complete.
  4. The EW:
    1. Makes necessary budget or other entries in CalSAWS.
    2. Reissues warrant, if appropriate, either through Batch or online.

Refer to Replacement Procedures for Same Amount/Payee.

Returned in the Mail

The Post Office returns warrants when they cannot be delivered as addressed. There are several reasons why a warrant is returned. Some examples are:

  • The person does not live there or has never lived there.
  • The person has moved.
  • The address is incorrect or invalid.

The following occurs when a warrant is returned in the mail:

  1. The Mailroom at Julian:
    1. Sorts warrants.
    2. Forwards warrant and envelope to Publishing Services.
  2. The Publishing Services:
    1. Photocopies warrant, envelope and completes "Authorization for Disposition of Returned Warrants" (SCD 723).
    2. Forwards the original warrant and the photocopy to the BI Unit.
  3. The BI Unit @ Julian:
    1. Changes [Issuance Status] of warrant on [Issuance Detail] window from "Issued" to "RETURNED IN MAIL."
    2. Enters reason for return in the [Journal Detail] page.
    3. Sends email alert to EW that warrant was returned.
    4. Files original warrant separately by warrant number.
  4. The EW:
    1. Receives email alert.
    2. Attempts to contact client to determine reason warrant was returned.

If the client is...


No longer eligible,

  • Discontinues case when an adequate and timely (10-day) NOA can be provided and has warrant canceled. Refer to Returned Directly by the Client for cancellation instructions.

Note: A Batch AU Exception may be set to ensure a replacement warrant is not issued after the cancellation is done until the EW has time to make all the necessary budget/case entries.


  • Completes and faxes the "Fax Request for Benefits Issuance Action" (SCD 274) to BI Unit @ Julian with disposition Instructions (i.e., Mail to new address, release for client pick-up, cancel, etc.)
  1. The BI Unit @ Julian:
    1. Receives SCD 274 from EW with disposition instructions.
    2. Follows disposition instructions, if they conform to the County Fiscal policy and procedures, to:
      1. Mails returned warrant to new address, or
      2. Releases returned warrant to client for office pick-up at Julian, or
      3. Cancels warrant.
    3. Enters details (reason, date, amount, status change, effective month, etc.) for this change request in Journal Detail page after action has been completed.
    4. Notifies EW by phone/fax/email when change status is complete.
    5. Files SCD 723 and SCD 274 for their records.
  2. The EW:
    1. Makes necessary budget or other entries in CalSAWS.
    2. Reissues warrant, if appropriate, either through Batch or online.

Refer to Replacement Procedures for Same Amount/Payee.

Cut-Off Times

Cut-off times are established for warrants that are to be pulled for:

  • Cancellation, or
  • Client pick-up.

Canceled Warrants

The BI Unit must be notified before 2 p.m. in order for warrants to be pulled and canceled.

Client Pick-Up

The BI Unit must be notified before 2 p.m. in order for clients to pick-up a warrant on the following day after 3 p.m.

Note: In case of “emergency” same day requests, EWs may contact the BI Unit on an as-needed-basis.

Damaged Warrants

Warrants that are damaged while being printed and are not mailed to the clients will immediately be stamped "VOID" to render them non-negotiable. When a warrant is damaged the following occurs:

The BI Unit @ Julian:

  • Cancels warrant and issues replacement.
  • Notifies EW that damaged warrant was cancelled and reissued.

Note: Warrants returned by clients which have been damaged are canceled and reissued following the returned warrant procedure. Refer to Returned Directly by the Client and Returned in the Mail.

Warrant Replacement

Assembly Bill (AB) 142

AB 142, which was signed into law January 1, 1986, provides that a client has the right to sign an affidavit regarding a lost warrant by the fifth working day after the day the warrant was mailed. A lost warrant may be defined as a warrant that was never received, or was received, but prior to endorsement was lost, stolen or destroyed.

Agency Policy

An "outstanding warrant" is a warrant that has not yet been paid by the Treasurer through its bank. An outstanding warrant may be replaced upon proper completion of an affidavit by the payee. SCC uses the "Declaration of Lost or Destroyed Warrant" (SCD 382) to replace an outstanding warrant. Agency policy is to have the client sign the SCD 382 on the seventh calendar day after the mailing date, which meets the requirement of AB 142.

The following is a summary of Agency Policy for outstanding warrants:

If the client...



Did NOT receive the warrant,

The Agency has possession of the warrant,

The warrant may be cancelled and reissued immediately.

Did NOT receive the warrant,

The warrant is NOT in the Agency’s possession and we do not have definite knowledge of what happened to it,

No replacement of the outstanding warrant may be made before the seventh calendar day, when it is officially considered "lost."

Received the warrant,

Has definite knowledge that the warrant was lost, stolen or destroyed,

There is no waiting period prior to the replacement of that outstanding unendorsed warrant. The client has the right to sign the affidavit immediately.

Received the warrant,

The warrant WAS endorsed and then lost, stolen or destroyed,

Refer to Lost Endorsed Warrant.

Replacement Procedures for Same Amount/Payee

When a client reports that a warrant was not received, lost, stolen or destroyed prior to endorsing it, the EW must follow the steps outlined in "Agency Policy" section above to determine when the affidavit may be signed. When the time frame passes for the client to sign the affidavit, the EW must take the following steps to replace the warrant when the amount and payee remain the same:

  1. The Client comes into the office to get the outstanding warrant replaced.
  2. The EW views the Search for Issuance window to determine the status of the warrant.
    1. If the warrant is cashed, refer to Cashed (Forged) Warrant Replacement.
    2. If the warrent is still outstanding: 
      1. Completes and reviews SCD 382 with client and obtains signatures.
      2. Prints screen shot of the Issuance Detail window for the outstanding warrant.
      3. Completes the “Fax Request for Benefits Issuance Action” (SCD 274) to notify the BIU that the issuance must be “Replaced” through Batch or Office issuance.
      4. Faxes the SCD 274, the screen shot and the signed SCD 382 to BI Unit @ Julian at (408) 755-7919.
      5. Ponies the original SCD 382 to the BI Unit @ Julian.
      6. Has a copy of the signed SCD 382 scanned into Imaging.

Reminder: Replace an Issuance Record means the SAME amount and payee as the previous record (only checks and warrants).

  1. The BIU @ Julian:
    1. Contacts the bank to verify the status of the warrant.
      1. Note: If the bank reports that the warrant has been cashed, BIU will notify the EW who must then follow the procedure for a Cashed (Forged) Warrant Replacement.
    2. If warrant is still outstanding, changes the “Issuance Status” to “Replaced.”
    3. Enters details (reason, date, amount, status change, effective month, etc.) for this change request in Journal Detail page after action has been completed.
    4. Notifies EW by phone or email when change status is complete and follows these guidelines.
      1. If the warrant is to be replaced through batch, then the BIU:
        1. Clicks on the [Change Status] tab in the Maintain Issuance Detail window.
        2. Selects Warrants for Issuance Type.
        3. Selects Regular Mail for Issuance Method.
        4. Reminder: CalSAWS updates the “Replace” status to “Cancel Requested Overnight” and generate a new “Pending” record.
        5. On the following day, CalSAWS will generate a new warrant to be mailed.
        6. Changes the Issuance Status to Cancel Confirmed.
      2. If the warrant is to be replaced online for office pick-up, then the BIU:
        1. Clicks on the [Change Status] tab in the Maintain Issuance Detail window.
        2. Selects “Check” for Issuance Type.
        3. Selects “Office Pick Up” for Issuance Method.
        4. Selects “Fiscal” for Pick Up Location.
        5. Contacts the EW of record when complete.
  1. The EW
    1. Gives the screen print of the Search for Office Issuance window to the DOFC.
  2. The DOFC:
    1. Goes to Search for Office Issuance window.
    2. Searches for “Fiscal” in Pick Up Location.
    3. Selects “Process Benefit” button to print the check.
    4. Must FAX a copy of the check to BIU, fax number: (408) 755-7919 IMMEDIATELY after it is printed and BEFORE handing it to the client. If DOFC staff experience difficulties with the fax number, please contact a BIU staff directly at (408) 755-7237 regarding the Office Issuance check.
  3. The BIU must notify the bank immediately via JP Morgan Chase Online System after receiving the DOFC fax notification.
  4. CalSAWS updates the status to “Cancel Requested” overnight.
  5. The BIU updates status to “Cancel Confirmed” the next day.

Reissuing Procedures for Different Amount/Payee

When a client reports that a warrant was not received, lost, stolen or destroyed prior to endorsing it, the EW must follow the steps outlined in the Agency Policy section to determine when the affidavit may be signed. When the time frame passes for the client to sign the affidavit, the EW must take the following steps to replace the warrant when the amount and/or payee are different:

Reissuance Through Batch


  1. The EW follows these guidelines:
    1. If the warrant is to be reissued through batch for a different amount or to a different payee:
      1. Faxes the “Fax Request for Benefits Issuance Action” (SCD 274) form to the BIU with appropriate attachments to request to “Cancel” the Issuance Record. 

      2. Scans the SCD 274 into Imaging.

  1. The BIU changes the status to “Cancel” after verifying the status with the bank.


  1. The BIU:
    1. Changes the status of the warrant to “Cancel Confirm.”
    2. Notifies the EW of the status change.
  2. The EW:
    1. Makes all required budget or case changes.
    2. Runs EDBC online and on the EDBC List page, and enters “Y” in the “Evaluate Benefit Discrepancy Cash (Y/N)” box for the check reissuance month. This will cause the system to recalculate the budget for that month and issue the underpayment as a supplement.
    3. Authorize the payment through the batch process.
  3. CalSAWS generates a new warrant the next day to be mailed.

Reissuance Online


  1. The EW follows these guidelines:
  2. If the warrant is to be reissued online for a different amount or to a different payee:
    1. Faxes the “Fax Request for Benefits Issuance Action” (SCD 274) form to the BIU with appropriate attachments to request to “Cancel” the Issuance Record. 

    2. Scans the SCD 274 into Imaging.

  3. The BIU changes the status to “Cancel” after verifying the status with the bank.


  1. The BIU:
    1. Changes the status of the warrant to “Cancel Confirm.”
    2. Notifies the EW of the status change.
  2. The EW:
    1. Makes all required budget or case changes.
    2. Changes Issuance Method and Office Pick Up Location, as appropriate.
    3. Runs EDBC online and on the EDBC List page, and enters “Y” in the “Evaluate Benefit Discrepancy Cash (Y/N)” box for the check reissuance month. This will cause the system to recalculate the budget for that month and issue the underpayment as a supplement.
    4. Authorize the payment on-line.
    5. Goes to Search for Office Issuance window.
    6. Prints screen displaying the on-line payment.
    7. Submits screens to DOFC.
  3. The DOFC:
    1. Receives screen prints.
    2. Goes to Search for Office Issuance window.
    3. Selects [Process Benefits] button to generate check.
    4. Must FAX a copy of the check to BIU, fax number: (408) 755-7919 IMMEDIATELY after it is printed and BEFORE handing it to the client. If DOFC staff experience difficulties with the fax number, please contact a BIU staff directly at (408) 755-7237 regarding the Office Issuance check.
  4. The BIU must notify the bank immediately via JP Morgan Chase Online System after receiving the DOFC fax notification.

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Collection Payments

Warrants Procedures