Self-Initiated Program (SIP) Documentation of Enrollment
The CalWORKs client in a SIP must provide proof of enrollment. In cases where the SIP client fails to show up for their return appointment to sign their Welfare-to-Work Plan Activity Assignment (WTW 2) and to submit school enrollment verification the following actions are to be taken:
- Issue a Self-Initiated Program Denial (SCD 2622) for failure to provide verification.
- The assigned Employment Counselor (EC) must contact the client to inquire why they did not attend their return appointment or submit their school enrollment verification.
- If the client remains unresponsive after the ECs contact attempt, then start the Noncompliance process for failure to sign the WTW 2. The SCD 2622 must be mailed to the client at the same time the Noncompliance is initiated.
Note: In order to begin the Noncompliance process for failure to sign the WTW 2, the return appointment notice must clearly state that the purpose of the return appointment is to sign the WTW 2.
The following table outlines the content of acceptable proof of enrollment for a SIP from the various types of training/educational institutions.
Private for-profit Schools/Universities Other private for-profit Schools where the method of instruction includes an "online" curriculum. |
Proof of enrollment on the institution’s letterhead or school registration forms. Documentation must include: Program start & end dates, Days & hours of participation (class schedule), Vocational Training/ Major, Major-Degree Sheet, List of classes required with information on school breaks, Whether a High School Diploma or GED is required prior to graduating, School transcripts or a recent report card for current major classes, For online classes, recommended/required class time. |
Contracts - SIP Approvals - Self-Initiated Program (SIP) Client Information (SCD 1797)
The Employment Counselor (EC) must issue a SCD 1797 to the client. The following must be on file for SIP approvals:
- Welfare-to-Work Plan Rights and Responsibilities (WTW 1)
- WTW 2
SIP verification must be received prior to signing the WTW 2.
Prior to the end of the SIP activity, the EC must review the WTW Plan with the client to determine entry into the next WTW Activity.
School Transfers
If a client has not completed their SIP they may transfer to another provider as long as they maintain the same educational goal.
Example: The client lives in the North County area and attends Unitek. Prior to completing their educational goal, they move to San Jose and enroll in Carrington College to continue the same educational goal.
Once a client completes the SIP or Vocational Plan, the client must be referred to the next appropriate WTW activity.
Structured Education Plan
With the exception of a structured education plan, when a participant completes the program, they cannot transfer to another program as a SIP, unless the individual’s SIP is part of a structured education plan as outlined in the WTW 2 at the time of developing the plan. For example, if a student is enrolled in an Associate Degree for Transfer Program at a private for-profit college, then the individual’s SIP program would be the bachelor’s degree that the transfer program is designed to earn. The WTW 2 is completed as a single program that includes the Associate Degree for Transfer and the Bachelor’s Degree.
School Breaks/Summer Attendance
All SIPs are required to meet the SIP weekly participation requirements during school breaks, including summer months. This can be achieved through a combination of allowable WTW Activities.
Refer to Allowable Concurrent Activities.
SIP Changes
SIP changes are to be applied as follows:
SIP Changes Less Than 30 Days
A SIP change is allowed if the request is made less than 30 calendar days from the date the WTW Plan was signed.
SIP Changes Greater Than 30 Days
A SIP change is not allowed if greater than 30 days from the date the WTW Plan was signed. A participant who requests a change to the SIP must be referred to In-house Assessment (group testing) for the development of a Post-Assessment WTW Plan which includes:
- An evaluation of the participant’s request,
- Work history,
- Education and training background,
- Employability, and
- Current SIP status.
During the plan revision, the participant is required to participate in their SIP or other appropriate activity. Once the WTW Plan is revised, it becomes a Post-Assessment WTW Plan. The participant’s SIP status is ended.
Note: When the assigned EC becomes aware that the participant changed goals without approval, the Noncompliance process must be initiated with the reason of no longer complying with the vocational goal outlined in the WTW Plan. If Good Cause does not exist, the Compliance Plan may include a referral to Assessment to develop a plan that includes a change in career goal or referral to other WTW activities, based on the labor market criteria. SIP status is ended.
SIP Interruption
A client whose approved SIP is interrupted with “Good Cause” will be permitted to resume participation in the same SIP as follows:
- The client will have maintained good standing in the program while participating, and
- If a break in participation occurs, the individual may resume the SIP if previously approved SIP or other educational program continues to meet SIP criteria
- The EC will adjust the SIP completion date to account for the time of absence.
Related Topics
Self-Initiated Program (SIP) Approvals
Self-Initiated Program (SIP) Not Approved
Self-Initiated Program (SIP) Supportive Services
Self-Initiated Program (SIP) Academic & Participation Problems
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