Self-Initiated Program (SIP) Academic & Participation Problems

Making Satisfactory Progress/Academic Problems

CalWORKs Employment Services (CWES) will honor the same academic standards as determined by the service provider. Individuals who cease to participate in, refuse to attend regularly, or do not make satisfactory progress in the SIP as specified in their Welfare-to-Work (WTW) Plan, must be reviewed to determine if the original SIP plan can be achieved.

For more information refer to Making Satisfactory Progress (MSP) Introduction for additional information.

Participation Problem

Clients who cease to participate, refuse to attend the required number of hours, or are dismissed by the service provider (school program) are considered to have a participation problem. A Notice of Participation Problem (NA 840 or NA 845) must be issued. Refer to SIP Interruption.

Clients who cease being a SIP participant will be required to participate in other CalWORKs WTW activities.

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