Transportation-Related Expenses (TRE) Other Related Items

Good Cause

If transportation-related expenses are not available, the client has good cause for not participating. [EAS 42-713.21]

Welfare to Work (WTW) Sanction Status

Current participants who become WTW-sanctioned, or former CalWORKs recipients with a WTW sanction, are not eligible for PAS.

If the individual has sufficient CalWORKs TOA remaining, he/she must lift the sanction and participate in WTW to receive TRE and Ancillary.

Individuals who choose not to lift the sanction should be referred to the A9P designated staff for direct enrollment to Stage II Child Care, as appropriate.

Curing Sanction

Clients who are in “curing sanction” status are eligible to receive TRE to participate in WTW activity(ies) when curing a sanction.

Post-Aid Services

Post-aid transportation-related expenses are available for all eligible post-aid clients. PAS are available for a maximum of 12 months after cash aid is terminated.

Example Example A CalWORKs client is discontinued from cash aid on June 30. The employed client is eligible for post-aid services from July 1 through June 30 of the following year. The “Transportation Approval” (NA 820) may approve transportation-related expenses from July 1 through June 30. 

Note: Clients who are excluded from CalWORKs by law (fleeing felons) are not eligible for post-aid services.

Effective April 1, 2015, convicted drug felons are no longer excluded by law as long as they do not violate the conditions of their probation or parole.

Telephone Requests

Eligible post-aid clients who do not have an assigned CWES worker, may call (408) 758-3777 to request transportation-related expenses. On a daily basis, support staff will retrieve and respond to messages left at this telephone number.

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Transportation-Related Expenses (TRE) - Processing the Reimbursement Request

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