Companion Case Procedures - Other Requirements

WTW/Cal-Learn Combination Cases

As a two-parent AU, the parents are required to complete 35 hours per week. The Cal-Learn parent receives an exclusion from WTW participation and cannot be required to participate in any WTW activities. However, hours spent in Cal-Learn are counted when totaling the AU's hours of participation. The Cal-Learn parent’s participation towards the AU’s 35-hour requirement would be counted as the actual hours of participation, if actual hours are available. When actual hours are not available, it is county policy to deem the Cal-Learn participant 20 hours per week when the participant is MSP and submitting quarterly reports.

WTW Parent

The WTW parent must meet any remaining required hours of participation, and is subject to all CalWORKs parent should sign a plan for 30 hours. WTW requirements, including CalWORKs federal standards. As a best practice, the WTW parent should sign a plan for 30 hours.

Refer to Cal-Learn Program Introduction  for Cal-Learn policy.

Two (2) Parents with Different Time-on-Aid Periods

When the client chooses to incorporate their HA services into their WTW plan and/or FS Plan, the HA provider must complete the FRONT of the “CalWORKs Referral Results” (SCD 29) and emails it to the EC.

Throughout the client’s participation in a HA activity, the HA provider must complete the BACK of the SCD 29 on a monthly basis to verify the client’s actual attendance. The SCD 29 must be emailed to the EC by the 5th working day following the report month.

Child Care Authorization

Child care will be authorized if both parents are participating in activities, are working, or are otherwise unavailable to care for their children Prior to authorization, the CWES worker must review if one parent is able and available to provide care for the children.  A parent is considered available to provide care unless they are working (or sleeping after working), going to school, participating in a county-approved WTW activity or program activity, or has a condition that prevents them from caring for the child(ren).   Refer to CWES Handbook Chapter 19 Child Care Service Program Eligibility, Two-Parent Families for additional information.

Participation Problem

A “Participation Problem/Cause Determination And Compliance Notice” (NA 840) will be issued to the first parent and the WTW 4 to the second parent when hours of participation fall below the required hours for failing to participate.

When one parent is participating in CWES and the second parent wants to cure the sanction the assigned CWES worker will be responsible to cure the sanction and conduct an individualized Orientation.


If either of the parents fails to participate, then each parent has their own sanction/noncompliance process.

Refer to Noncompliance Process for more information.


A second parent serving a penalty (e.g., child support) must comply with CWES requirements if the individual is still in the AU.

Closing Case

The WTW program should not be closed if one (1) parent remains eligible for CWES services.

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