Companion Case Procedures Overview

CWES ECs will be required to monitor hours of participation for both parents in a two-parent family for all WTW activities. This means that individuals who are employed or become employed through a WTW activity and continue to receive cash aid benefits will be required to continue participating in CalWORKs Employment Services for the number of hours required as designated by the County.

For two-parent AUs, both parents are assigned to the same worker. In a two-parent AU if one (1) parent is registered and participating in CWES, and the second parent becomes mandatory or an exempt volunteer, the assigned CWES worker will conduct the Orientation/Appraisal for the second parent.

For truant teen cases (not Cal-Learn) referred by the CWES SW to WTW, both parent and teen are assigned to the same EC. However, only the designated EC will coordinate the efforts to contact the teen for re-enrollment in school. Designated EC will provide case management services to the teen without changing the caseload assignment. The designated EC will inform assigned EC of participation outcomes, and will also inform EW of teen’s participation status per CalWORKs Handbook Chapter 13: Age, School Attendance, and Immunization Records, section 13.2. 

Note: For federal WPR rules involving Cal-Learn, refer to WPR Best Practices training tools.

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Companion Case Procedures - Welfare-to-Work (WTW) Participation Requirements

Companion Case Procedures - Households with Two (2) Adults

Companion Case Procedures - Other Requirements