AAP Wraparound

Adoption Assistance Program (AAP) children and youth must meet the following requirements to receive wraparound:

  • The child was adopted in Santa Clara County
  • The child is at risk of being voluntarily placed in out-of-home care at a treatment facility. 
  • The child is eligible for AAP under an existing or deferred agreement.


AAP children and youth may receive Wraparound Services for no more than 18 months at a time. The youth may stop wrap services during the 18 months and resume services under the same period.

When an AAP youth is under a deferred agreement and approved for Wraparound Services, AAP benefits must be either reinstated or approved. Deferred Agreements must be initiated immediately after or during the adoption benefits period.

Eligibility Workers (EWs) are not required to have a copy of the Adoption Agreement form (AD 4320) when issuing wrap payments. They will only receive payment instructions on the “Payment Instructions - Adoption Assistance Program“ form (AAP 2) and sometimes a copy of the monthly provider invoice. Both documents must be sent to Imaging and a CalSAWS Journal must be entered. 

Effective July 1, 2013, there is no longer the requirement to subtract AAP benefits from the Wraparound payment. AAP Wraparound flat rate is $3,500 per month. 


For further details, refer to AAP Wraparound Services in Chapter 19.


Note: AAP children or youth that return to foster care placements under DFCS or JPD are eligible for FC funded Wraparound.


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Wraparound Program