Aid Payments

Foster Care and KG providers who care for children in the custody of the County receive payments that are intended to cover ordinary living expenses for the child. This generally includes room and board, daily supervision, and a personal allowance. In addition to standard payment amounts there are additional payments that may be made to assist in other expenses.

Foster Care/KG Grant Computations

Foster Care and KG is budgeted on a prospective basis. The current month's income is applied against the same month's Foster Care payment. Effective with payments made for the month of July, 1998, the Foster Care grant is computed by:

  • Dropping all cents from any proration of the basic rate and allowable specialized care rates, and
  • Rounding down (drop all cents from) the total net income of the child, and
  • Subtracting the rounded current net income from the rounded sum of the Foster Care basic rate and the specialized care rate.

Note: Normally the calculations will take place through CalWIN except when manually calculating payment.

Related Topics

Aid Payments and State Administered Rates