Aid Payments and State Administered Rates

This chapter contains information pertaining to the Foster Care rates established by the CDSS or the CDDS. This includes details with documentation requirements for payment of these rates and the changes.

FC, Kin-GAP and AAP benefits will increase each year effective July 1. The increase is based on the California Necessities Index (CNI established by the State of California and is published through an All County Letter (ACL normally issued no later than the end of August of each year.

Rates of Payment

Foster Care, Kin-GAP, AAP rates are set by the State. Foster Care payments CAN NOT be made outside of the COUNTRY. However, AAP can be paid outside the country.

Rate Setting by State

Foster Care rates for FFH, Kin-GAP, AAP, Group Home (GH, Short Term Residential Therapeutic Placement (STRTP) and FFA located in California are set by the California Department of Social Services.

Note: FC, Kin-GAP and AAP payments are exempt from federal and state tax levies.

Rate Setting by County

The county requests approval from the state for all special needs and specialized rates for:

  • Developmentally disabled children placed in small family homes
  • County clothing allowances, including initial and annual

Only SCI Tiers 1, 2 and 3 are subject to state authorized CNI annual increase.

Reminder: Santa Clara County no longer uses rates for Special Care and Supervision, ESH or Specialized ACH rates

Rate Setting by Other Counties

Placements of children supervised by Santa Clara County DFCS or JPD in Resource Family homes in other counties, are subject to the rate-setting policies of those counties. Basic foster home rates conform to the statewide standard. For [Refer to “2018 Historical Rates,”] for more information.

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Aid Payments