Whole Family Foster Home

[W&IC 11401(g)(t)]

A WFFH is a foster family home, foster family agency, approved relative caregiver or non-relative extended family member’s home, certified family home, non-related legal guardian or Kin-GAP provider that administers foster care for a minor parent and his or her non-dependent child, and is specifically recruited and trained by DFCS to assist the minor parent in developing the skills necessary to provide a safe, stable, and permanent home for his or her child. SB 500 legislation aligned State statute with federal policy by providing a higher payment to cover the costs of the care and supervision provided in placements in these homes.

SB 500 increases the infant supplement rate paid for a non-dependent infant placed with the minor dependent parent in a Whole Family Foster Home. The infant supplement is to be increased to the equivalent of the county’s basic rate for the age of the child. This rate applies only to non-dependent children placed with their minor parent in a WFFH.

Note: For non-dependent children placed with their minor dependent parent in a facility other than a WFFH the infant supplement payment will remain as specified in the Foster Care Rates Chart.

Eligible Placements

Caregivers must be specifically recruited and trained by DFCS for the WFFH placement option. Some placements have additional criteria which needs to be met. The following are eligible placements.

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