NMDs eligible for SILP are eligible to receive AFDC-FC benefits directly or to a designated payee as determined by the SW/PO. When the SW/PO instructs a SILP payment the following process is followed.

Note: SILPs are not eligible for SCIs but eligible for annual clothing allowances

  1. SW/PO
    1. Evaluates for EFC youth for EFC under SILP placement and submits the following completed, signed and dated forms to FC eligibility:
      1. SOC 158A,
      2. SOC 161,
      3. SOC 162 (at 18 or within six months of turning 18),
      4. SOC 157A,
      5. SOC 157B, and
      6. Other supporting documents.
  2. FC EW
    1. FC EW performs the following:
      1. Reviews documents sent by the SW for signatures and completeness.
      2. Signs and dates SOC 161.
      3. Requests that FC Management Analyst add the NMD to the provider table.
      4. Updates the Foster Care Summary Detail window.
      5. Updates address.
      6. Reviews Correspondence.
      7. Enter Case Comments.
      8. Reviews Search for Issuances.
      9. Resolves CalWIN and MEDS alerts.
      10. Forwards document to clerical for IDM.

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Extended Foster Care (EFC) Benefits