NMDs eligible for SILP are eligible to receive AFDC-FC benefits directly or to a designated payee as determined by the SW/PO. When the SW/PO instructs a SILP payment the following process is followed.
Note: SILPs are not eligible for SCIs but eligible for annual clothing allowances
- Evaluates for EFC youth for EFC under SILP placement and submits the following completed, signed and dated forms to FC eligibility:
- SOC 158A,
- SOC 161,
- SOC 162 (at 18 or within six months of turning 18),
- SOC 157A,
- SOC 157B, and
- Other supporting documents.
- Evaluates for EFC youth for EFC under SILP placement and submits the following completed, signed and dated forms to FC eligibility:
- FC EW performs the following:
- Reviews documents sent by the SW for signatures and completeness.
- Signs and dates SOC 161.
- Requests that FC Management Analyst add the NMD to the provider table.
- Updates the Foster Care Summary Detail window.
- Updates address.
- Reviews Correspondence.
- Enter Case Comments.
- Reviews Search for Issuances.
- Resolves CalWIN and MEDS alerts.
- Forwards document to clerical for IDM.
- FC EW performs the following:
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Extended Foster Care (EFC) Benefits