Quick Sort Transfer
Applicants who call Covered CA to apply for health coverage will be asked a few questions (known as the Quick Sort Questions), such as family size and income. Based on the answers to the Quick Sort Questions, if the caller seems eligible for MAGI MC or Non-MAGI MC, the Covered CA Service Center Representative (SCR) transfers the call to the appropriate county. If the caller's home county is unavailable then either the Covered CA SCR transfers the call to another county or to voicemail (i.e. on county holidays when Covered CA is open).
If the client appears to be eligible for APTC or unsubsidized coverage, the Covered CA SCR will keep the call and process the application and enrollment.
Call Process
A call comes into Covered CA and the SCR asks the Quick Sort Questions to determine potential MC eligibility.
Sample of Quick Sort Questions that are asked by the Covered CA SCR:
- Are you calling Covered CA to understand your health care benefit options?
- How many people are in your family?
- How many children are under the age of 19?
- Are any of your family members pregnant?
- Are any of your family members elderly?
- Are any of your family members disabled?
- What is your annual income?
If the answers to any of the questions make the caller appear eligible for MC, then the caller is asked his/her county of residence and the call is transferred to that county.
Caller's answers lead Covered CA to transfer the call to:
- Covered CA to County of Residence (COR)
- Covered CA to California Service Center (CSC) Network County
Covered CA stays on the line until the call is transferred (Warm Transfer).
Rollover Calls - If the COR is unable to accept a quick sort transfer call within the 30 second service level, that call will be routed to another county in the consortia.
Quick Sort Transfer Work Flow

Quick Sort Transfer Home County Scenario
Bill (age 32) calls Covered CA on January 6, 2016 wanting to apply for health benefits for himself. Bill is disabled and earns $1,250/month with no other sources of income. He expects to file a tax return and is not claimed as a dependent by anyone.
Covered CA asks Quick Sort Questions and determines that Bill may be eligible for MC benefits. Covered CA initiates the quick sort transfer to Bill's home county.
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