Mandatory Reporting

Reporting Child Abuse

All Agency staff are MANDATORY REPORTERS. A referral must be made to the Child Abuse and Neglect Center (CANC) of Child Protective Services (CPS) when a complaint indicates that the child may be in danger and/or something specific has happened to a child.

Reporting Numbers

  • Reports to Child Protective Services via the Child Abuse and Neglect (CAN) Units are made through the following numbers:
    • San Jose Area (408) 299-2071
    • Gilroy or Morgan Hill Area (408) 683-0601
    • Palo Alto Area (650) 493-1186
  • Referrals must include only the minimum information as follows:
    • Name of person making the referral
    • Name of applicant/client
    • Current location of the applicant/client
    • Nature and extent of the injury
    • Fact that led the person making the referral to suspect abuse.

The Mandated Reporter, MUST do the following:

  1. Document the details provided by the person making the report of suspected child abuse.
    1. NOTE: The SS8572 is available in the DEBS online Forms Library and may be used to make sure all the necessary information is obtained.

  2. Immediately call the Child Abuse & Neglect Center Hot Line, (408) 299-2071.
  3. Prepare a written report on the “Suspected Child Abuse Report” (SS8572).
    1. Forward all copies of the report, except the yellow copy, to the Child Abuse Screening Unit at 373 W Julian Street, 3rd Floor, within 36 hours of receiving the information concerning the abuse.
    2. Scan the yellow copy to IDM under Benefits-F6.
      1. NOTE: The SS8572 is available in shelf stock.

Reporting Adult Abuse

For complaints of adult abuse for dependent adults with disabilities age 18 through 59, or persons age 60 or older, refer any report to the “Adult Abuse Reporting Lines” by calling: 

  • (408) 975-4900,
  • 1-800-414-2002, or
  • (408) 928-3901 (after hours message machine).

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